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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by T.J.watts

  1. charles, do you come around lindsay much cause you look familiar
  2. i didnt really think about the microfractures, and ive never tried to weld spring steel. i think ill just stay away from the springs unless i run across new ones, and stick with practicing on mild steel. i work for cudd energy over the weld shop so i have access to plenty of scrap.
  3. i was pretty sure i spelt that wrong lol :P
  4. im going to see if i can send the membership fee in this week. ive met one other member he has a farrier supply in north norman where i get my coal.
  5. have you done any blade work charles and are you a member of saltfork
  6. i didnt mean the heat treat fixing the crack what i ment was will removing the heat treat relief the stress in the steel before it cracks. i have been looking in to joining saltfork i just havent done it yet. if anything i post seems like arguing believe me its not. i want to gain a better understanding of the craft so i can better understand the solutions to the problems i run in to.
  7. i read a little about the plasma welding today, that was something new to me.
  8. i understand that metal that has been worked repetedly will stress and eventually crack, but wouldnt forging be able to fix that since it removes the heat treating.
  9. ill have to look in to that to see if i can find better springs. in all honesty i have no clue how to tell the difference all i know about forging is everything that ive been reading. i know there is a big difference in knowing the literature and being able to practice it. so i guess im saying trial and error lol
  10. thankyou for the suggestion. i believe my brother has an old truck in his pasture that i can get the leaf and coil spring off of. may not be the best steel but it will give me something to work with for a while.
  11. Thank you for all the input i really appreciate it. Patients isnt one of my strong suits, but im extremely stubborn so ill keep trying until i get it right. ill post a pic of the next one i try.
  12. thanks for the heads up. im just having problems keeping the bevel even or i leave it in the forge to long and burn it lol
  13. i am very new to forging and im having nothing but problems with shaping the edge on my blades. i start out with the stock, shape the profile and try to shape the edge by hammering near the edge of the anvil with the blade lifted at a slight angle. am i doing this right and just not being patient enough or should i try a different method.
  14. I am a begginer to forging but not to welding. No you cant weld with a plasma cutter. as far as the oxy-propane i have never used it unless you are talking about propylene.you can do weld with acetylene or propylene as long as you have a welding tip for the torch. if you try to use a cutting tip you will get to much pressure and fight it the whole time.
  15. i started trying to make my own knives when i was a kid. Just out of whatever i could find, as i got more in to it and accumulated more tools and more knowledge my work slowly improved. i am a firm believer in there is always room for improvement. I am just know getting in to forging my blades instead of stock removal and ill be the first to say i SUCK at forging lol. but it is something that i enjoy and ill figure it out eventually. the thing to remember is to study the subject as much as possible and take your time in practicing what you learn. start out with a simple blade design and consentrate on that. once you have the blade the way you want start the handle. you might practice with regular pine lumbar till you figure out what you want and make it work. i have rushed my projects before and i always end up kicking myself later.
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