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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by Metalsmith21

  1. I've been web surfing and all i can mannage to find is the grill biscuits that aint that great. Im out about the country keepin the grocery stores full of the food stuffs and to bring the chistmas gifts across the country everyone buys from china :(

    Ill be back in town and would love to get a fire going if only for a few days. where can i buy coal in the Phoenix/Scottsdale in arizona?

    Please and thank you.

  2. You know when you get your house apraised for insurance coverage or when you get ready to sell the house and the insurance company sends someone our to evaulate your house? I believe the object in question is a rod to pull down the latter for the attic.

    other guesses would be:
    A disguised golf club
    A conversation starter
    An item to push up lowerd celing tiles to get at what ever is hiden like office golf clubs or banned snackfoods, etc.

  3. Its the name of the type of blower here in the USA. As for what it resembles is a hamster wheel with smaller spaces and "blades" to catch the air and move it within a confined space out a tube.

    I've never used a big a blower as the "inflate machine" should be interesting how much air it moves.

  4. Living in arizona working as a welder I've been around the bush of heat exaustion and dehydration sickness

    Cure for heat exuastion - get in the shade, drink room tempature water, NO ICE! because it will make you sick and will not cool you down. Get somwhere you can slowly turn. the temperture down you don't want to jump in an ice box and put your body into shock.

    As what has been said about beer rings true.

  5. Best bet would be metal spinning, taking a large stainless steel mufffler, roughly bigger than the final shape of the challiace, and use the tool to spin it while you form it to the desired shape.

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