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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by Cdworks

  1. Apparently The thill was used to attach the horse to the carriage. Thill irons look like they were used to attach the thill to carriage. They bolted to the thill and attached to the crossbar on the carriage. One interesting thing in the patent apparently thill couplings were " universal" or "standardized". ( searched thill then read the patent ;) )

  2. How does one braze in a forge? I get the gist of brazing, but have never done it before. What metals can you use for brazing mild steel( brass or copper?)? I'm still perfecting my forge welding technique ( got three poor welds under my belt) and would like to have an alternative to it.

    I could probably go try it and figure it out but that sounds fraught with failures.

    Some other questions I have. What flux? Will borax work for brazing?

    Searched YouTube and ifi and couldn't find anything. Gonna search some more.

    Thanks in Advance!

  3. https://www.dropbox.com/s/tqct1pgf0tdgesk/IMGP0977.jpg

    Hera are some small things I have been practicing on. Yves, see that heart? It's forge welded. It's my second intentional weld. The method is listed on anvilfire.com in The i forge how to as the " heart hook" I made the key ring shown as practice. And they are neat little gifts as well. I am a very amateur blacksmith but I have had some great advice from friends. The hearts don't use ALOT of material ( I used 1/4 round and square stock) and are fun to make. Hope this helps someone :D
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