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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by KYBOY

  1. Do I have one of your old hammers, a 50lb that came from Minn that Danny Downs owned?

    And there you have it. The earliest to the lastest hammer.


    My only claim to fame is to the have the most photographed LG.  I currently own Sid's old shop hammer.  Until till Number 1 became his shop hammer. 


    The hammer in reference was rebuilt in the early 90s by Sid and Fred C. then featured at every hammer school until 2009.  Figure 25 students in the hammer school and every photo that has been published of Sid running a hammer.  To say the least I have an iconic friend (Sid) and a neat hammer.


    On a side note: I'd love to hear more of the Ausie hammer.


    Dave from Diller

  2. A good friend of mine told me once "if i knew I were going to live this long id have taken care of myself"..LOL Thanks for all the suggestions, I appreciate it..Ive been taking sulindac, it has helped but not completely..It has lossened up the joints but not removed any of the soreness or pain..Though it is a lower dose and the first try so Im not going to complain..Its till better than before...Im going to try some fo the heat/cold therapy you guys suggested too. Im in the process of chaning my diet so maybe that will help too..

  3. Well Ive got questions for you folks afflicted with arthritis? Not nessasarily caused by smithing but arthritis in general..Well we know that swinging a hammer isnt easy on an arthiritic joint..Is there any arthritis meds that you have tried that helps? Now of course if you would like to Pm me instead of posting this please do..I just dont know where else to ask..Lisa is suffereing from it and I do too..Ive actually got it in my thumb joint..The medication I take lossenes up the joint but dosnt take away the pain..Any tips there? Its something that runs in both our familys..Im almost to the point of getting a cortisone shot for it..Any help or tips would be appreciated..Id like to add this isnt a smithing technique issue..Its more of a "what helps you to keep smithing" issue..

     Also for you young guys dont treat your body like a rented mule for years just because you can handle it. Their are consequences to be paid.. :(

  4. We used a lot of it to make historical hawks and axes..wagon rim and wrought bars big enough to forge into hawk blanks usually run us about $1.50-$2.00 a pound but we have to order it..Wrought iron wasnt common around here..Not many wagons were used here in the mountains, mostly sleds..We need to order some now but have been laying off looking for a cheaper source..

  5. We use  a dry ice slurry (-109*) on complex and stainless steels..Basically like everyone else said it turns RA into MA..Its cold enought to do this..There is a lot of talk and subject about carbides and LN treatment..I dont have a dewar or Id use just for the fact that I wouldent have to buy dry ice everytime we heat treat..Though we get the same gain in hardness from dry ice slurry as cryo (I know Ive seen the RC tests)..What you dont get is the somewhat controversial "nano carbide" formation etc.Now im not knocking LN or even saying dry ice is as good but I am saying dry ice does a fine job at converting RA,,.

     The RA is the big deal..RA is a bad thing in complex steels..Its part of the reason you hear stories about some D2 taking such a crappy edge and chipping..There is a big diffeence in heat treating a blade and heat treating a press die..RA is fine in a die, but its awful in a blade..

  6. Well I went out for dry ice(heat treating today) and came home with this Parker 79X vise..Its almost pristine..Im usually pretty good about spotting refurbs on tools and I truely believe this may be original paint..Screw in imaculate and there arnt even any scracthes around the mounting holes..Full checkering still on the jaws..

     It was one of those "Dad had it in his barn for longer than I can remember but never used" stories..It weighs 160 pounds..Just curious for you vise experts, what do you think the going price is for one like this?






  7. It only takes one "Oh crap" to erase years of "Atta boys"...When you make for someone else it had better be first rate..Saying "Found it at the junkyard and heat treated it in motor oil" wont do anymore..

     With the internet age and lightning fast communication one bad review on line can cost you dozens of sales within minutes...Ive seen it cost one maker nearly his whole business for something very similar..

     Of course for myself i dont care what I use as long as it gets the job done..

  8. Well he is clearly a talented smith with a well equiped shop..His vids are absolutly first rate, proffesionally done..In all honesty probably the best bladesmith/blacksmith vods out there as far, Ive seen just about everyones on the forums I visit and while i like them all his are a cut above for sure..

     Now I dont think they are the best teaching videos but they are the best at what they are for..if it is the case that he cant use his name on his new tools then i truely hate that for him..Im not a fanboy of any smith but Ill give dredit where it is due..He makes some dang nice tools..

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