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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by KYBOY

  1. I am new to propane forges..I use propane on one of my torch set ups but Ive always used a coal forge..Im looking at buying a propane forge and am wanting suggestions on a two models...
    A..Small possibly one burner for everyday forging(no welding)
    B..A good two burner that will get up too welding temp..
    The reason Im asking on two models is that I havent decided on whether to buy a small forge for everyday normal forging and use my coal forge for welding or to buy a propane forge that will do both...Price is of course somewhat of a concern..Thanks

  2. Saw a chuck key left in a metal lath once..It ended up taking a hunk out of the wall on the far side of the shop when the lath was turned on..
    I had a piece of slag from a capweld end up IN MY BELLY once when a helper thumped it with a slag hammer befor I moved..Cut right thru my shirt and lodged in my belly..Had to be cut out.

  3. Well for me anyway :D A relative picked this up for me this past weekend..$65, I dont think it was a bad price..Im going to mount it on a good metal stand later this week..

  4. Most used is a 2 1/2 pound rounding hammer..It really moves the metal. Next would be either a 2 pound crosspien or a 2.75 pound diagonal pien..I have a 1.5 pound rounding hammer for the small light work..

  5. Its hitting the coal buckets (coal trucks to you non-Kentucky folks) hard too.. Lots of coal haulers have gone out of business this last year. The cost of fuel is raising but coal aint keeping up. The little hauler cant make money at it anymore. Just your bigger owners.
    Jayco, how far are you from the off loads up on 23?

  6. Yea, most people would just a soon buy a $10 winchester brand from wally world. I might sell a few RR spike knives but thats about it. Sold four the other day to one person. Said they were gifts so hopefully someone will get some joy from them.

  7. No real fire issues but my body looks like a road map from welding and torch burns. I was up on a jenie lift once welding a 12" water pipe. A Miller 250 bobcat with 100' leads I made just for this job. I was welding a release valve on top of the pipe. Had the root weld finished and was starting the cap weld. I couldent get behind the valve so I had my 7018 bent at a 90% angle to weld the backside. Well I was leaned up and across the pipe when the genie lift shifted with me. The bent 7018 went around the valve and the crook went down inside my helmit :o I head a sizzle, smelled burnt hide and fell back in the lift. I was dazed for a bit when my prep man said "Dude, your heads burnt bad :o " The rod(fresh off the weld) had sizzled a line starting just above one eyebrow, across my hairline, ending back on my scalp...Dang that hurt:D

  8. Ive never seen evidence as to where it hurts. Like someone said already the flux is just a shield to keep out the atmosphere. When you get a good burn you dont even have to hit the slag. Just hit near it and it will jump off. Curl up by itself ect..I passed my stress tests while taking the slag off quickly. It never hurt those welds, thats for sure.

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