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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by KYBOY

  1. You Ive noticed as I traveled over the country that many areas are more prone to have estate sales and blacksmithing equipment for sale...Here in eastern,Ky estate sales are non existant as Im sure jayco can attest to as well..Land and tools are most often passed down and never sold..Much of our families land has been in the family for three or more generations..Precious old tools are almost always passed down..Its considered bad form to sale them. Much the same as old family property..One will often be known as "the boy that sold his familiys place :rolleyes: " when they sale out and leave..Still a very clannish area. I have seen exactly two anvils for sale in the last 3-5 years :confused: Both were "wallered" to death as we say :D I just got an email from a friend working in ILL who told me estate sales where everywhere and most had smithing equipment...Then the appalachian mountains where never densely populated to start with which means they were not many smiths here to start with either...

  2. Do you make your own tongs or buy them? I have always made my own, unless I found a nice pair priced reasonably.. I use to think that is was funny to buy tongs when you can make your own but Ive questioned that thinking lately..A couple of full time smiths told me they just dont have the extra time to stop and make tongs thru a busy day so they just order them to save time and money..It got me curious, what do you think??

  3. Well I have a 100# +/- anvil..I say that because most of the heel was broken away right across the hardie hole..I rebuilt the hardie hole and back..Looks pretty decent now actually but the hardie hole is only 5/8th now and Im minus a pritchel hole :( Its kind of aggrevating not having a pritchel hole and being able to use standard size hardies..Anvils are very rare in these parts so Im actually pretty lucky to have my refab anvil..I make my bases from 8 sections of 4x4 posts, metal banded together..Makes a very sturdy stand..I suppose I forge about the same as the rest of the hobby smiths..I do like to make tools and work on old tools for folks more than usual but thats about the gist of it..The body seems a little small under the face. I was curious how it would stand up....Thanks

  4. I guess it depends on the company and how bad they want to drill, these get free usage for life..Its in the contracts.Thats a very good point to consider though...In these cases it was that or the gas company had to find somewhere else to drill..My family farm had free gas like that..They cant go around too easy if you own the whole hollar.. :D

  5. Just wondering if anyone uses natural gas for their forge..lots of folks around here got free gas for allowing gas companys to drill on their property.Theirs a well on mine in fact..What modifications have to be done to a gas forge to accept natural gas??

  6. Im a gun collector and reloader myself..Worked in corrections for most of my proffesional working career..When I was doing my qual's at the federal LEO training acadamy the first M-16 I was issued had a bad auto disconnect in it..It would rack off 3-5 round bursts when it was suppose to be semi..Thats quit a supprise when your not expecting it..

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