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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by chyancarrek

  1. Hey Dodge - Just saw this thread.

    I went through the same thing with my folks so I know how you're feeling - Kudos for being there for your mom!
    When it's appropriate to their condition, getting someone outta the hospital and back into their own surroundings can work wonders for recovery.

    You and your mom are on top of the list here and we wish you the best!!

    Neil & Lauren

  2. Hey Dave,

    There's things that you just can't ( won't , shouldn't ) compete with - 6 dollar pulls at Bigbox are one of them - if the pulls had been part of an overall iron-makeover where you had really marketed the fact that they were being hand made as part of the original sales bid, you could run your price up to where you can make a profit. Just let your client know that there's no way you can make them for anywhere near that amount and stick with the bigger ticket items that you can keep a good margin on.

  3. I did five years as an interpretive smith at Ft Vancouver - (a rebuilt Hudson's Bay Company outpost) Luckily we had a million-plus artifact inventory to choose from to try and determine forging technique by direct examination.

    Even though this is a company that has an unbroken chain of records going back hundreds of years, and there were reams of info on what was made, quantity in stock, what to charge for them, where they were shipped, who bought them etc., there was virtually no written record of "how-to" regarding blacksmithing. The company however did make sure it had very accurate record of how much material and time a smith should spend on each item so as to keep predictable margin on each product. It was a situation where masters and journeymen were hired, specs and requirements were given but techniques and methods were transferred only within the walls of the smith's shop amongst the workers. Even in a perfect record keeping environment, smithing techniques never seemed to make their way to paper.

  4. Just got home from raising a glass to the USMC's 235th birthday with one of my favorite people - A 30 year Marine who had a lot of influence on my younger years.

    So a heartfelt thanks to all of you folks here who have served (and are serving) in the United States Marine Corps!

  5. What a great place to start Jacob!

    I've got a friend of mine who worked out of something quite a bit smaller than that (altho a bit tallerwink.gif). He had a gangbuster business making tongs working 6 or 8 hrs a day so yours should suit well for a hobby shop.

    Take pics as you go and keep us up to date!

  6. I second that Thomas. Glenn's house - Glenn's rules . . .

    If that doesn't sit well with some of you, try this at the next social gathering you're invited to: Start a loud and disruptive political argument with one of the guests - when the host asks you to stop, try and drum up support by shouting and berating folks about it in the middle of the room . . . come back and let us know how that worked out for ya.
    Give it some thought - A little social maturity goes a long way . . .

    I've been knocking around forum sites since they were called BBS's (remember that o' so lovely modem squeal as it was connecting?) and while a lot of things have changed since then, one thing hasn't and that's individuals who want to turn things about to reflect their own POV no matter how disconnected from the intended subject matter of the site. The only solution to that is good admin moderation. IFI really is one of better run sites I've been on. It's had it's share of problems both technical and managerial but it's always come back the stronger for it's missteps. The only thing that's surprised me in this whole sad affair is that it didn't get nipped in the bud from the git-go.

    Thanks for all your hard work Glenn and team - I hope you guys can get this squared-away without too much more trouble!

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