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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by Shanemr

  1. I did I was told it's illegal to scrap rail so I didn't keep looking at scrap yards. I still see people selling it on ebay and sometimes locally on craigslist. I figure if it doesn't sell I'll find a use for it.
  2. Also I'm not giving it away lol. I see pieces half this size on ebay for around $40-50 but to get someone going on a budget $60 is good. Also if curious Anvilfire has some great plans on using track as an anvil.
  3. http://m.flickr.com/lightbox?id=8575664946 I have a 20" section of rail I don't need now that I have an anvil, if anyone is interested let me know. I will weigh it tonight but assume 50lbs about.
  4. I just found a fisher eagle that weighs 135 pounds dated 1891. If you look at my post I have pics of it.
  5. Plan on rounding the edges, squaring up the hardy hole and cleaning up the horn. Not a lot of work.
  6. http://m.flickr.com/lightbox?id=8571664299 http://m.flickr.com/lightbox?id=8571661067 http://m.flickr.com/lightbox?id=8572751476 Hopefully the images post. After sandblasting its a 135lb Fisher Eagle circa 1891. Randy is gonna help me fix the pitted holes and use hardened welding rods to fix the edges up a little bit. I'm still using his anvils until my forge is finished and I get set up at home. I read these anvils don't ring as loud as most which is a big plus.
  7. First anvil. They're customers of mine at John Deere. I'll offer $200 cash. Randy who's mentoring me is saying we can weld the edges and grind or mill it back. All I had is a 15 inch section of rail I was gonna shape up. I can recoup probably about 50-80 or more selling the rail. Anvil market here is scarce and expensive.
  8. Going friday to see it in person 135 lbs. Local scrap yard called me on it.
  9. my forge build using a half of a rim that came off a large John Deere loader. Heavy metal! No anvil yet but a customer brought me a 16 inch or so section of rail track. Have a hammer. Getting there, now to rig an air source. Try again.
  10. Definitely planned. It's only about a 10 minute for me!
  11. Hi, I'm Shane, I live in Abita Springs and recently got very interested in smithing when I met a customer who gave me his business card as a "Forge and Machine" service. I have only had the opportunity to get a hammer and metal in hand once. My goal was something simple that used most of the basics just to get an idea. Was going to make a handle for a coal shovel. Near the end due to poor planning and probably poor positioning of my work on the anvil....it broke. But I learned a lot and cant wait to try again.
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