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I Forge Iron

Dallas de Marr

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Everything posted by Dallas de Marr

  1. I never thought about that, Thomas. That's a wonderful idea. Edit: That'd be a mouthful, though. Vladimir Dallas Jason De Marr Marenus. :P
  2. Just curious about what you all think about someone changing their legal name. I'm for it (in fact, I hope to eventually do it), but I'm interested in how everyone else sees it.
  3. Well, those of you who know me know that my real name is Dallas de Marr. However, I do wish to change my first name to Vladimir-- not to be cool or anything, but I just 'feel' like a Vladimir, if that makes any sense. I am just waiting on the extra money to do so. All of the people who know me online know me as Vlad, unless I've spoken to them in person (or they insist on calling me by the name they see on my WRABA ID card, Richard! ). Marenus is actually the first name of a Hero from a fictional Sci-fi universe, and it sounded good with Vladimir. :P
  4. Alfonso, what is a good steel supplier in NE Ohio? I'd rather not order my stock online, if I can avoid it.
  5. Thanks for all the encouragement. You're right about the one thing starting a bug growing... I'm finding my thoughts turning to the hammer more often than not, now.
  6. Heh, thanks for asking, stonetrooper. I've wondered it myself, but been too embarrassed to ask. :)
  7. Dang it, Nett, you snuck that post right in. Thank you, though. Also- any ideas on how to fill the space between the Hardy and the Hardy hole?
  8. Also, some more random pictures, since I got around to taking them, but don't have enough to say about them for their own thread. : )
  9. So, yeah. It was supposed to be a dual-pronged hot-dog holder, but I didn't quite have the hammer control I wanted, to say the least. I almost broke off one prong hitting the hot-cut crooked (My hole isn't exactly .5" as it turns out, it's just slightly larger so that the hot-cut spins when I hit it. >.<), so I decided to abandon my hot-dog related fantasies. I curled the almost-broken prong over the horn of my anvil, and made a fire poker for my forge. There are a whole bunch of things wrong with it, but hey-- the first piece you ever make is cherished, right??????
  10. As the picture says. The vise is courtesy of Julie's cousin, the rest courtesy of Richard Thibeau. :)
  11. This Anvil was made for me by my girlfriend's cousin. He cut it to vaguely resemble an anvil, though we haven't cut the chunk out of the back yet. It has a .5" Hardy hole, and since this picture was taken, we found a drill bit hard enough to finish the Pritchel hole. It isn't finished in this picture because I snapped a bit there-- apparently near where it was cut was hardened compared to where the Hardy is.
  12. This Anvil was made for me by my girlfriend's cousin. He cut it to vaguely resemble an anvil, though we haven't cut the chunk out of the back yet.
  13. One of the best books, in my opinion. Even if you care nothing for the knowledge of tools in the book, the reverent way in which the author speaks of the craft will make anyone swell with pride.
  14. My very first attempt at anything, ever! Yes, it's horrible, but it'll hold a special place in my heart forever. >.>
  15. My very first attempt at anything, ever! Yes, it's horrible, but it'll hold a special place in my heart forever. >.>
  16. My very first attempt at anything, ever! Yes, it's horrible, but it'll hold a special place in my heart forever. >.>
  17. My very first attempt at anything, ever! Yes, it's horrible, but it'll hold a special place in my heart forever. >.>
  18. My very first attempt at anything, ever! Yes, it's horrible, but it'll hold a special place in my heart forever. >.>
  19. My very first attempt at anything, ever! Yes, it's horrible, but it'll hold a special place in my heart forever. >.>
  20. My very first attempt at anything, ever! Yes, it's horrible, but it'll hold a special place in my heart forever. >.>
  21. My very first attempt at anything, ever! Yes, it's horrible, but it'll hold a special place in my heart forever. >.>
  22. Keep in mind that some of the WRABA site (photos and bulletin board) are a bit behind, but the rest of it should be current. It's a great group of guys (I'm a member), and they're very helpful to newbies (if you can track them down long enough!). The Calendar is updated, so just see what event is next, and show up! That's what I did.
  23. An easier forge is the 55 Forge. It's fairly simple to build, and easy to use / modify for your own purposes. I also recommend searching out some of the blacksmiths in the chat as well, if you're around (mostly) in the evenings. Also: Go to the top of the forum and click on user cp click on display your profile enter your location and save We would like to know where in Canada you are! Or, if you aren't in Canada, where else in the world you are.
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