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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by Dabbsterinn

  1. so, i am fairly new to blacksmithing if that is the right term for it, but one of the things i really want to be able to make, is a Damascus knife, and i have a faint idea on how Damascus steel is made, but i am not entirely sure, so all instructions are well appreciated
  2. i found pretty much everything i have for my forging in the rubbish tank at my fathers workplace, including welding gloves, leather gloves and ear protectors, when he was making my anvil, and the rest i got from him,
  3. thank you, and could you tell me where i can learn how to make damascus steel?
  4. thank you Glenn, i will definitely look into those
  5. Hello, i am quite new to forging, and have only fiddled around with small wires and a campfire, but i just literally hauled my anvil in just a few minutes ago, and hope to be able to find a log and put the anvil on it so can make a small ax. nearly all of my knowledge about forging comes from youtube and this site, i hope to learn more in the coming weeks. my goal is to make a Damascus steel knife and, if you have any tips and tricks for someone who just started, please tell me in the comments
  6. well, this just saved me a LOT of time, i was planning on hand-twisting every single ring from a welding wire, but i was also wondering, would it be a good idea to harden the rings?
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