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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by navasky

  1. Does anyone have any recommendations on where to get a custom touch mark that won't break the bank? I'm looking for something that can be used for both hot and cold stamping. I see a lot of cheap ones on Esty but they look like walls of the design go straight down instead of being angled like a normal metal stamp which makes me question their durability.

  2. The machine shop at work was getting rid of this. 130 lb Vulcan with a perfect face except for a couple of spots where some idiot torched it. I remember back in 2012 when I was desperately searching for my first anvil, I never would have thought that people would be giving them away to me for free just a few years later.



  3. On 9/16/2016 at 9:24 PM, VaughnT said:

    With a chunk that large, I'd be really curious about the cost to have a local shop water-jet it into a swage block.  One of our members here did similarly just because it made it super easy for him to use the thing to make bottle openers.


    I actually looked into that but the costs were waaay too high for me.


    On 9/16/2016 at 9:24 PM, VaughnT said:

    I wouldn't want that long tapered radius since it doesn't really add anything to the functionality and the taper can bungle things up real quick just like it does on a london-pattern anvil's horn.  Better, in my view, to have known radii like you do with bottom tools so you know exactly what you're getting and can swap out as needed depending on what you're doing.


    Interesting perspective. I hadn't thought of that.

  4. 17 hours ago, natenaaron said:

    Pardon my ignorance but how will you radius the edge like that with it laying in the stand.  Brazeal's is up on edge.  That is an awesome stand. I'm confused though.

    Thanks for the kind words. The stand is made to hold the plate either horizontally or vertically. See the pieces or angle iron extending down in the middle? Those form a channel to hold it vertically.

  5. I got this 2" x 20" x 20" block a while ago and just finished up a stand for it tonight. Made from scrap wood and old bed frame angle iron. The next step is to put some different radiuses into one of the edges so I can stand it up and use it as a die anvil. Eventually I'd like to make a few different sized holes through the face for drifting and some shapes in the other edges too. I guess I need to invest in an angle grinder now...


  6. 17 hours ago, Foundryman said:

    I work in a bell foundry and bell metal (bronze), at least by our specification is around 80% copper, 20% tin and would be very difficult to forge I would imagine. We buy it in ingot form. It's a very brittle alloy compared to what most of the world would expect from bronze but the hardness means it resonates so much better than lower tin alloys.

    Cool job! My understanding is that bell bronze can be hot forged and also cold forged to some extent but needs to be annealed frequently. Just out of curiosity do you have any experience with the acoustic properties of other metals? I know that cymbals are usually made from bell bronze but can also be brass and sometimes even nickel silver. I wonder what the differences in the sound are between the different metals and what physically is making them sound the way they do.

  7. 17 hours ago, BIGGUNDOCTOR said:

    There is a video on Youtube showing these being made, and they cast the material then shaped it on a homebuilt wood type lathe. 

    I've seen that one but there are others of them forging the bowl from a thick round ingot. There's a lot of contradictory information out there but I believe the cast ones are brass and the forged ones are bell bronze and considered superior. This page has some info if you're interested.

  8. I got to play with some singing bowls the other day and liked them so much that I decided to make my own. This one is copper but next time I'd like to try with bell brass or some kind of bronze (anyone know where to get get bell bronze sheet?) It ended up sounding a little different than the professionally made ones but it does indeed sing and is pretty fun to use. I'll try and get a video clip of it in action up soon.



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