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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by saintjohnbarleycorn

  1. I picked up a vise but he jaws were missing. what is the best way to make new ones, I think I can salvage the threads in the raised slot on the faces. Can I take a piece of steel and heat it and clamp it in to make the slot, or is it too much movement for the steel? Or do I machine the slot and drill it. By machine I mean cut with an abrasive disc or hack saw. Thanks for any suggestions.

  2. I keep an old oil rag shirt on the anvil. The electronic equipment is a bit tougher though. the big fan might use a lot of electricity. I wonder if you could just build a box that fits over each piece of equipment and put a light bulb in there with them, a 25 watt should do it? Its the change in temp that is the killer. warm air and cold steel it condenses. The wood stove would be the best bet, I would guess you have a lot of wood to work with there! good luck.

  3. thanks jayco, I am going to make some more additons to the opposite side I work on to get some more room. Someone suggested hang on shelves, but my forge is cracked in several places and I think that would add too much stress. I am thinking I will support it with the sheet metal side panels.

    thanks ice, i get the idea. At this point I have no idea where all this will lead me. But that is how I do everything! thanks for the replies. kevin

  4. I reattached my tuyere today, and need to fill in cracks. there is also two slots that look like they were for a different clinker breaker. The forge I have probably had a different tuyere than this one.
    I have acess to fire clay, furnace cement and some stuff at home depot that is for patching fire brick that comes in a caulking tube.
    Which is the proper one to use, or can any of them work? thanks. again

  5. thanks, from the pics I saw it looked like they welded the lower one to a hardy, and then made a bolt arragment to form a shear, with a handle. The book said he could cut 1/2" hot with just the lever action, and would use a hammer if he needed more.

  6. I think the holes are for a hood, the fence sounds like a good idea.

    Yes glen I can put about a 5 gallon bucket on the fire. The problem, if it is one, is that when moving coal around a lot falls over the edge. I guess when the hood was on there that prevented it. I just have this habit of wanting to improve things, and I think this could be improved to make it more convenient to work with.

    the stand is a good idea too, I will try to incorporate these ideas and take some pictures this weekend if I can find the time to work on it.

    thanks to all for all the suggestions.

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