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I Forge Iron

Everything Mac

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Posts posted by Everything Mac

  1. Was copper specifically requested? Could you use stainless steel in it's place? 


    I get the impression that a clean copper ladle used on the type of thing ladles typically get used for, would take some time to produce any harmful side effects. But don't quote me on that. Best to ere on the side of caution. 

    A quick google suggests it's fine for sugary items and particularly good for egg whites. I've yet to find information on how long this process takes. 


  2. Gorgeous anvil you have there. That must be a very[ rare beast in Canada. 


    As said above it's a classic north German pattern. My own knowledge on German anvils is limited at best, as far as I can tell there were numerous makers in Germany but I have no idea how many. 

    That mark doesn't look anything like the ones I've seen so far sadly. 


    All the best 


  3. Maybe I can post today? - back ashore yes. - Had another ask around a few more local farms for a workshop but still no luck. I'll be contacting the local estate soon. 


    Sadly KRS I can't see anything on the anvil that looks like a logo. There isn't space between the date and weight stamp for a logo really. I spoke to Josh over at Greenwood anvils and he reckons it might have been a one off as the round horn is usually on the right hand side with the upsetting block facing away from the smith. This one has the round horn to my left and the upsetting block faces me. 


    Maybe I can post today? - back ashore yes. - Had another ask around a few more local farms for a workshop but still no luck. I'll be contacting the local estate soon. 


    Sadly KRS I can't see anything on the anvil that looks like a logo. There isn't space between the date and weight stamp for a logo really. I spoke to Josh over at Greenwood anvils and he reckons it might have been a one off as the round horn is usually on the right hand side with the upsetting block facing away from the smith. This one has the round horn to my left and the upsetting block faces me. 


  4. anvil.jpg






    I can't see any markings on this side. 




    Anyone recognise the lay out for the date/ weight stamp? I really can't see any manufacturers stamp at all sadly. 










    I can't see any markings on this side. 




    Anyone recognise the lay out for the date/ weight stamp? I really can't see any manufacturers stamp at all sadly. 




    Anyone else getting this copy of text within a post or is it just me? 



  5. Thanks - He's a work in progress - still needs arms and his tongue. 

    What makes you think Sichelschmidt und Schlasse? I can't find any markings on it other than those shown above. 




    Thanks - He's a work in progress - still needs arms and his tongue. 

    What makes you think Sichelschmidt und Schlasse? I can't find any markings on it other than those shown above. 




  6. Hi Guys, 


    I just had this South German double horned anvil shipped over from Germany. After cleaning off the several layers of paint on it I can see the weight markings (115kg) - it seems as though the KG was stamped twice or miss stamped. 


    I can see what I assume is a date stamp above the weight marks. possibly 1 followed by an 8. 





    As you can see it has an angled face plate and the church windows as well. 

    Any ideas as to the maker? 




  7. Hi Kardall, 

    welcome to the forum. :)


    First of all, don't make unnecessary work for yourself if you don't have to. You can pick up a brick chisel from home depot that will do everything you need it to for a hot cut. I used one for years and years without any issues. If I dented it I just re-ground the edge and away I went. - Just make sure to buy one that fits into your hardy hole. 

    Personally I recommend a beginner buys their first couple of tongs. Not everyone can afford it I know, but two pairs of tongs go a long way. I wouldn't recommend making a set just yet. 

    As for your hold down, that's an easy enough project. Mild steel will be just fine for that. 


    All the best 


  8. Just to really stir things up Joel a buddy of mine has a greystone forge. I'm told the pan is 8" deep with the blast hole at 3.5" from the bottom. (Though there is a firebrick insert below) 

    That would suggest you've at least 3" for the top of the sides to the blast hole... 



  9. That's interesting - I have a PDF from Mark Aspery that says the forge pan should be 9.5-10" deep. And I'm sure I've seen it written that the centre of the blast hole should be about 4" from the bottom of the pan.


    Maybe it's worth contacting Mike Judd over at Greystone forge mate. - he's made one or two in his time. ;) He should know a thing or two about it. 

    Failing that I'm sure JohnB will be along shortly. 


    There was a build thread on here where the guy made a side blast forge with a side draft chimney (it looked ace) but for the life of me I can't find the thread or any pictures. I'm sure it had dimensions in it. 



  10. I realise this thread is few days old now, but thought I'd chuck in my 2 cents as well. 


    I was in a very similar situation maybe two years ago now. I had a hankering for a swage block, I think I even posted a very similar thread and the response then was the same as it is now. - Most smiths simply don't use the one they had and it was most often used as a shelf for other equipment. 


    Shortly after that I found one located near a buddy of mine and I made an offer on it which was accepted to my surprise. It's a small block at 12" square by 4" thick. I built a rubbish stand for it then spent the time building something much more substantial. 


    Do I use it? No not really. Like everyone said it has become a handy shelf to store other things on in my tiny little shop. I use it from time to time for a few different things but on the whole it sits unused. 

    My advice would be not to bother and to make hardy tools as you need them. UNLESS you find one in good condition and at a stupidly low price then invest your money elsewhere. 



  11. One thing I've learned in the past is that "It's in the scrap yard for a reason." 

    Not usually an issue for stuff that is most probably mild steel but things like springs and axels etc are there for good reason. 


  12. I've seen these inexplicable cracks in files before, everything going fine and then suddenly a crack appears. 

    "A bad workman blames his tools" - but my guess would be a micro fracture in the steel before you started working on it. That or not properly annealing the steel before you got working on it. The latter is what I think caused a recent failure when making a fire steel. 


    Next time anneal your steel before you get working on it and see if that helps. That or the age old "Buy new steel" - not always an option for many of us but it's an option. 


    At least you've learned a lesson and had a go. You're next attempt will be better if your tong making is anything to go by. 



  13. I played Fallout 3. It was good but I found it so big as to be overwhelming to be honest. I completed the main mission which was surprisingly short though? I also kind of expected it to force me to go to more areas of the map. 


    I might pick up a copy of fallout 4 in a few months when the price comes down but we shall see. I've been playing destiny a lot recently which has been quite good fun so far 



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