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I Forge Iron

Azur Jahić

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Posts posted by Azur Jahić

  1. i think that good idea is to first build a firepot and forge and all parts and then to use some kind air suply .I have a lot of stone and some brick and i was think to make some half metre forge on backyard and then to use some bellows.

  2. OK i make some bellows yesterday it "s blows good but its have a 4 angle shape :And i disembled it and cut to be like triangle and i loose to much on space . CAn the bellows have a shape of the board like cube or it must be trangle iS triangle shape have some reason is it bllows ari better :Because it easy to me to not cut to triangle and you can easy get same shape of two or tre board when is shape like cube is the shape have some purpose is it blowing air better

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