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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by larrynjr

  1. Does anyone use this? I got some with my MIG from Northern Tools and have been using it to clean the spatter off my nozzle and tip but have been experiencing a great deal of wire feed trouble. I discovered tonight if I don't use it, I can weld alot more without the any feeding trouble.

    Why would they sell this stuff if it actually makes things worse?

  2. Well, it's not pretty but it looks functional and that's what's important. Once you've earned your first $million or so, then you can worry about looks. Mine isn't any prettier but again it's functional and that's what I like. At the rate I'm going I figure I'll make my first million in about 15 years. Of course that's cumlative and not all at once so I won't be buying everyone here steak and beers! :D

  3. As I am still in hobby mode, I haven't been too concerned with a name yet but have kicked around a few idea's. One is "The Forgery" as I make
    some thing(s) out of nothing. (similar to a forged check)
    Other options are either Tieton or Highland Forge, Tieton is the town I live in, Highland is the name of the school district I work for, which Tieton is part of that district. I could combined the first option with either of the second ones. Highland Forgery, Tieton Forgery. We'll see how it goes. :)

  4. He actually had a motorcycle accident on his way to Sturgis and Laconia last year. A little old lady pulled out in front of him and he went over the bars. Had some ongoing nerve issues still last fall and couldn't hammer for as long as he used to.

    He told me some of his Viet Nam stories. Awesome and frightening at the same time!

  5. The very first piece was back in high school metal shop was a cold cut chisel. We had to cut a bolt in half with it to prove we had hardened and tempered it properly.

    At the blacksmithing course that really got me going, it was a round punch, to punch the hole in the tongs we made next, then a hot cut chisel using the tongs I had just made. That was day one.

  6. Thanks Chet!

    We need more Chet's around to pass the torch.

    My story is pretty plain, back in high school I was very into the Lord of the Rings and swords and knives like many other youngsters and had a vague interest in learning to blacksmith to make swords and knives. Other than a metal shop class where I did get to forge a chisel, I never did much about it. About 5 years ago during my divorce I found myself revisiting idea's of things I've always wanted to do but never had and discovered the blacksmithing dream was still there. I took a 3 day basic course from a well known Wa. blacksmith and discovered that I did and do still have the desire to blacksmith. I discovered though that making swords and knives are now very far down on my list and I'm more interested in ornamental ironwork and tool making. I love the idea of having the ability to make a needed tool instead of going down to the local big box hardware store and buy a mass produced questionable quality piece. I had a 2 year hiatus after that while moving and getting remarried but took a refresher course last fall and have been hitting the steel since. I hope to take an intermediate tool making class from that teacher in the fall.
  7. Abenakis, I am still very thrilled with my Nimba, it proves it's worth everytime I hammer on it. I was punching a slot through the Hardie hole the other night and managed to get the punch onto the edge of the hole. The punch was slightly damaged but the anvil was not even marked! Guess it was a good thing I made the punch from mild rebar and not tool steel.
    Being from Maine originally I've spent a small amount of time near the city of Quebec but not Montreal, this though was long before I got into smithing. There seem to be plenty of blacksmiths in the New England states that I'm sure would welcome a brother smith down from the country of Quebec! oops I mean Province.:D
    I'm curious though about your name on the site, are you of the Abenaki tribe(s)?

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