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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by TheoRockNazz

  1. This is a Christmas present to myself. It's based off my favorite weapon from my favorite video game.

    Wrought iron recycled from wagon wheels and 15n20 outer layers, Cruforge core with 15n20 shims. Handle is leftover G10 and red spacers. I made the knife to test out the blade, since this was my first iron san-mai piece. 


    First test was cutting leather and penetration. First stab went through three layers of 3/16" leather and then stuck in the frozen stump... in hind-site it was poor choice to work with wood that's been outdoors.


    Then I chopped up some 3/4" red cedar that was left over from residing the house. I was too tentative to go full strength because I had too short a piece to hold comfortably, but still chopped nicely.


    In the game it was sharp enough to cut off a Rathalos' wing, so I tried that out - popped that sucker right off.


    Lastly I shaved some leg hair.


    Here's the game knife, you can see I took some liberties.



    I'm certain we've all gotten requests for knives or swords from video games, I'd love to hear about some of them from y'all, please share.


  2. I wanted to try an integral, and the W1 I received recently was 1/2" thick, so I experimented a little. It was a lot tougher splitting the bar than I expected... getting a decent shot of the hamon was even tougher - it's amazing how it can be clear to the eye, but the camera won't pick up anything but glare. 

    How do I get that split to be cleaner in the future? I didn't want to remove much material from the inside because I liked the weight, but now I feel I should have ground it down more to clean up that inside lip.





  3. I've also recently forged chain for my first time. All the empty space inside made the first couple heats seemed as if it was compressing... which it was pretty much. After forged into a billet, it worked as easily as O1 and hardened similarly. Your pattern is more vibrant than mine though, I found it really subdued. Your knife is also nicer than the one I made, haha.

  4. Owen, did you have to play with the airflow at all?

    I've been using another smith's two burner venturi and I am fairly certain the mixture is ideal for this sort of welding - she has flames shooting 3-6" from the mouth at all times. 

    Letting the piece soak for 15 mins should still be safe in a gas rich environment, right?

  5. I spent a week at the forge figuring out how to get 1095 and 416 stainless to stick - wasted a snotload of steel. My solution was welding three sides, waiting til it was cool, giving it a hefty squirt of liquid wrench or whatever oil was at hand, then finish welding the box. I forged in a two propane burner and 50lb lil giant, so I worked quick. I think Nght nailed it with the air pockets though; I had flat-to-flat surfaces so the oil took care of any oxygen, may not work for a file.

  6. Hi guys,

    I've got two new ones.


    People tend to give me files, recently I got this neat one-sided Japanese file that was 1/16" thick. It went well with a tine I had laying around, which was fun to cut in half. Padauk and copper fittings. I thought I liked the rough, acid etched look on this one, but I should repolish.



    This blade is probably the finest patternwelded blade I've done yet (excluding the work I did in Owen Bush's class) - san mai of low layer twist 15n20 and 5160 shell, with 756ish layer 15n20 and 1080 core. Partial tang - the first two pins go through it. Guard is forge-welded bike chain with the ends still unforged. Purpleheart with brass and mosaic pins. My maker's mark is tucked behind the guard. As always, my fighter's are thick. I think I like drop point fighter's a little more, although this shape is much more aggressive.



    I left my linseed oil back in the city, so I just wet the handle for the pics.


    My fit and finish still needs work, I think maybe I'm too focused on rushing towards advanced forging. In fact, recently I had to refund a deposit on a san-mai double-bladed barlow folding knife because I was not satisfied with the result (simply was not up to par). Now I am stuck not knowing if I should drop folding knives as part of my arsenal, or spend my personal-projects time on practicing folding knives.


    Comments and critique welcomed,


  7. I think I'm going to stop using CruForge to achieve hamons - every 1095 I've deferentially hardened has had twice the presence.  

    First time using G10 - what a great material to work. The design was specified by the customer, but he gave me the artistic freedom of choosing copper as the pin and liner material. 

    It's off to Alamo Custom Leather for a sheath.

    I had a hard time forging the ring - my only tools at hand were an anvil, two tongs, and two hammers. Ed Rottinger suggested the best things to do in such situations is to remove material / drill out the rings after forging; I agree. Next time....

    Comments and critique welcome,







  8. My equipment was limited, so I folded by grinding the surface clean and cutting almost all the way through then folding over. I think you're right about the heat... I had never seen this before and wanted help confirming what it was. 

    I am certain I can get that forge to full welding heat; part of the issue may be that the forge is too long (used for HT mostly), I should move my fire bricks around and make a square-er. 

    Darren, you use a single burner, right? What's your setup like?

  9. I do 99% of my forgewelding at the two or three burner in the city where the powerhammer is... which is also where I forgot my thermometer. I was curious to see if my single burner that I use for heat treating and typical forging would hit welding temps. I boraxed as usual, folded my layers, must have been too low heat. Oh wells, thank goodness for the other forges.

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