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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by TheoRockNazz

  1. I received a wonderful phone call last night from Stephanie, the woman who commissioned this sword. She thanked me profusely for perfectly capturing the blade as she imagined it, and assured me that she and her family will be especially careful when handling it, or using it for practice tatami cutting (or home defense haha), and that they intend to pass it down through the generations to come. Hearing her say these things really made my weekend (even better), and is one of the reasons I pursue this craft.

  2. Thank you both for your kind words.

    I hated having to add the sapphire, it felt way over the top, but the customer's always right, haha. The whole pommel thing is just totally out of place on a katana, and adds eight I'd rather not have there. I like the idea of an engraving/relief coming out instead of menuki, that would have matched the saya for sure.

  3. Yet again I must remark upon how swiftly the quality of your work has improved.

    Couple comments:
    Your handle grain is running the wrong direction, it's a little distracting for me. Continue sanding the rest of the spine up to the tip, it draws my eye too.

    Well done buddy

  4. All of the above is why I love this site :)

    Someone on reddit was nice enough to translate for me:

    Left: New York is always worth a trip. Especially when the New York Custom Knife Show takes place. Here are some of the highlights.

    Big Apple is a old nickname for New York but when the Custom Knife Show takes place the city appears like the red apple from snowwhite to knifefans ( a really cheesy comparison), hardly to resist. Every year the best knifemakers of the US, Canada and the rest of the world meet up to present there new products to community. Every year there are a lot of highlights which we doesnt want to keep away from our readers. The NYCKS 2016 takes place in november. More information under : fiftyfiftyproductions.net

    The text about you:

    Rustic fighter from Theodore Nazz: The blade is made of self forged W2-steel, the handle out of maserknolle( Burl?). The model for the bronze coating is made in a 3D-printer.

  5. These are some nice users. You may want to consider a little more shaping where you're pointer finger is supposed to sit so it doesn't slide forward in use. The handle in general seems a bit bulky, although it may just be the blades are relatively small. 

  6. I've gotta admit, I am jealous of the remarkable speed at which you've improved. This blade beats the fit and finish of all your previous blades combined, kudos. 

    I agree, the forward bend works, but maybe could have been more gradual, perhaps starting halfway down the handle. The wood choice complements the bold pattern nicely - you could have probably gotten away with mosaic pins without making it too flashy. Some jimping where the thumb rests (both normal grip and choked up) could be beneficial.

    Time to get your maker's mark made ;)

  7. Haha, you can only resist the call for so long, we shall see....

    The pommel bronze has a bit of a story:
    I'm sure every bladesmith and many blacksmiths have had people just give them broken knives or swords before - "I paid a lot for this damascus sword (like over $200!) and it broke after I hit this tree in my yard with it a bunch of times, so here, it's yours". Well, a lot of the time I take off the bronze fittings, throw out the shoddy tsuka, and cut useful blades into sections which I'll use as the shell for san mai or let friends forge into their own little projects. The bronze is a random mixture of those fittings plus some beryllium-copper bronze for hardness.

  8. 1 hour ago, VaughnT said:

    I'll never understand this fascination with making knives out of mystery metal when good alloy is so incredibly cheap.  A complete boxed set of scrapers.... that's money!  Even if you don't want them, find them a good home where they'll be appreciated and used for their intended purpose.

    For the most part, it's because "reclaimed metal" adds value for a lot of people; I can sell a file knife easily when I inform the buyer that it's a reforged Nicholson 

  9. As a city slicker where a knife, mace, or fist are the only real weapons available to you, and even with years of boxing, wrestling, and martial arts plus the pocket knife I carry at all times I would never, ever fight back against someone obviously willing to do harm. I know I would never be able to kill a person just to keep my wallet, that's just the type of person I am. 

    Personally, I feel if I did draw my fancy-looking folding knife it would give the fella more incentive to take my things. I've made my fiance knives (oh, by the way, I'm now engaged, woohoo!) and made it clear that they stay hidden or at home because I feel if she pulled something with damascus and 3D printed bronze fittings the thief would just see that as sweetening the deal.

    Sifu had a wonderful demonstration of why you always avoid knife fights if possible in the form of a two foot scar running diagonally across his chest. And of course as knifemakers it's our responsibility to look in medical books and online to see what blades can do - anytime my friends start talking tough about wielding knives I show them pictures or videos that remind them we're just meat on the inside and that usually shuts them up (or they might throw up haha).

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