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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by Daniel.85

  1. I used the style from Sam S's tong tutorial for these, no power hammer though, ouch.. They work great though, now I can forge out some old ball peins into other tools.




  2. Woke up with my usual routine, check email, check bank account, check this site, ect. Well, in my email I have 4 payment receipt confirmations for $20 a piece to some Garena Online Private Limited, that turns out to be some asian based video game type store. The charges were only placed a few hours before I saw them, so I called paypal and they stopped them but the money is still going to go from my bank account to my paypal account and I will just have to transfer it back when it does or be charged for a stop payment from the bank.

    Paypal said the thief had my password to the account, so I changed it.

    This is the 2nd time(1st was a few years ago) Ive been able to stop fraud while the charges were still pending. Make sure you have email alerts set up on any paypal type site so you know when there are purchases and check your bank account every day, morning and night at least.

  3. Some pictures of printing the first board, my brother decided to make the first one himself just in case there is anything that needed changed after we get it all running. It will eliminate the messy white breadboard with all the wires sticking out of it and allow us to package it all nice inside a case so that it doesn't just look like its some garage project. If you look close you'll see the name for the induction forge and my brothers company on one of the boards, when pronouncing it, the 2 stands for squared, its part of an equation that makes this whole thing work.

    This step in build is over my head for sure :)





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