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I Forge Iron

Woodchuck Wrought Iron

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Everything posted by Woodchuck Wrought Iron

  1. Maybe I can weigh in here. I have never sold one item I have made as a smith. Im just not that good yet. However, I have spent ten years in retail. I do know that different things are worth different amounts to different people. As stated, there are lots of hidden costs, whether you see them or not, whether you agree they are there or not. If you are going to be exhibiting them in a fair for show, and maybe in hopes of selling them, the cost of your booth comes in to play as well. Even turning on the computer to post this topic is a cost of doing business. What I would do is set two prices in your head. One of them is a break even plus ten percent as your floor and triple your total costs as your ceiling price. Talk to your customers and feel them out. If they are interested, ask them to make an offer. If it is in your range, you can either chose to try and work them up a bit or just take it. EIther way, you will know ahead of time what the parameters are in order to not lose money. Sentimental value to you is worth nothing to the next guy. I dont mean to sound harsh, but thats reailty. I think the pieces are great wrok and you should ahv eno touble selling them on thier craftsmanship alone. Good luck and let us know how it went.
  2. I have quite a large supply of real wrought iron on hand in various sizes and lengths. PM if you are in need and I can email prices.
  3. yea, not true. Growing up in the railroad and steel industries, as well as knowing some folks who maintain railroads, its not accurate. Thats just to have one. If you are caught on an active track, you may be arressted (railraods dont like tresspassers, and if you are caught vandelizing thier property, there may be civil and criminal penalties. Be very careful around trains. thats alot of steel moving at you and they dont stop, its not worth the fine anyways. Good luck
  4. grrrr.....so i typed up this long detailed response and then it didnt post. lets try again. You mentioned he was a blacksmith so Im curious if that information is relative to the gift. If that is the case, as mentioned above, a new forge would be great, but spendy, maybe some new thermal wear, a supply f wrought iron, or even the convetion tickets would all be good ideas. If the reciepent is MWC, offer to clean the hosue and watch the kids while they have some adult time out. This would be highly appreaicated by most and wouldnt cost you anything... just a few ideas
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