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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by Dogsoldat

  1.   Went to the father-in-law’s for May long.  Traded a knife, a can of beer and a window in his cabin removal and reinstall. Wire wheeled the mud off and she’s in great shape.  Now I have to figure out a stand.  Only downside is the square holes are 1” and 1.5”. Hardy hole is 1.25”.   

      Anyone recognize the pattern. 12.25”square and 4” thick.  



  2. Went down a rabbit hole or two chasing interesting links.  Went from Russian machinist making a 10 start left and right hand thread bolt and nuts, to really interesting stuff.  Nearly have the 10 part series watched.  Episode #3 he makes his file cutting chisels and files. #4 he gets into case hardening.  There is bronze casting, experiments for a historical version of dyechem ?  for layout,  some  techniques for soldering...  



  3. Wife sent me a video of casting large pots from recycled cans.  They seem to have it down to a science.  The sprues are just enough to suck down flat when they chill.  Any ideas on what the moulds might be made of.  Must have a fair bit of preheat in the mould to get the even fill.



  4. I've seen this can around before.  I'm sure it was my great grandfathers, but not positive.  Any idea on when and a what it was used for?  Only writing on it is 'patent applied' stamped on the bottom.  Mom had it stashed in a corner and came across it again.



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