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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by Donnie

  1. I don't see a great difference in the forging. The spikes are just not a great blade material, more of a novelty. Everyone seems to have a favorite blade steel. I usually use O1, W1, or 5160. I am by no stretch of the imagination a bladesmith. I seem to get the best results with O1.

  2. The knife was forged from 01.
    It is a simple knife but my favorite because I am not very good or patient at finishing.
    The hawk was made from a railroad spike.
    It was hafted with Hickory.
    All comments are welcome.



  3. The most dangerous weapon I know of is the human brain. If it decides to inflict harm or death it will find the required physical object to carry out such intentions. Besides, guns and knives do not kill people........husbands who come home early do.

  4. STRESS WILL KILL YOU....I agree with Gerald, stress is self-imposed.If I can fix or change a situation for the better I do, If I can't there is no need worrying about it.In my mind, what the future holds is not up to me. The All Mighty will have his way whether it suits me or not. As for what needs to be done, I figure it will be there tomorrow, if tomorrow does not come, then it didn't matter anyway....just my 2 cents worth.

  5. I have one hammer dedicated for cold use. I never use a forging hammer to strike anything but hot iron. About a week ago, my 12yr. old son was helping his sister make a drive hook. I was close enough to keep an eye on them. I got tickled when I overheard him tell her "You make sure you don't hit the anvil with your hammer, cause if you hit anything but HOT IRON daddy will get your goose"........and I thought he never listens!

  6. When I hear "How can I make a sword?" from someone who has never lit a fire, I doubt they are interested in smithing. I have never made a sword or pattern welded steel. I do admire those who do it well. I do understand and appreciate the level of skill and amount of time to produce such beautiful work. I myself can spend all day forging the basics, s-hooks, wall hooks, fire tools. When I am at my anvil the rest of the world does not exist. There is just me, my fire, my hammer, my anvil. All is well with the world.

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