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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by Marksnagel

  1. You are both in my prayers. I pray that while seperate, you both find time to pray together. I pray that you will begin anew and see things in a different light and that the Lord will make himself more evident in your lives together. God bless and keep the faith.

  2. Last nite I watched "The left handed gun." 1958 western with Paul Newman as William Bonney (Billy the Kid).
    There was one scene where they were in a mexican village and the blacksmith had a bucket with a small bellows feeding air to the bottom. He had an anvil that was a fence post anvil. It fit over a square post in the ground that was about 8" X 8".
    Just thought that it was cool. A small village smith that used what he had.

  3. I believe in prayer. I believe that it works because I have seen prayers answered over and over. I believe that some are answered Yes, some No, and some Wait. Regardless of how prayers are answered I accept their outcome because I am the clay (iron) and not the Potter (Master Blacksmith).

    Now having said that, I ask my fellow blacksmiths for prayers for my wife Patty. Patty has Carcinoid Cancer and has had it since 2003. It has been a continuous battle but one worth fighting. She goes in for yet another hospital stay and will be having a Chemoembolization to her liver. Not a bad procedure but not a fun ride afterwards. She will have it done on Sept 14th in Norfolk, VA.

    I ask you to join me in prayer that she will be at peace with this procedure as she is very anxious about it and that it will work as the doctors hope it will.
    It has been a long road but we know that the Lord is in charge and we trust him.
    We give all the glory to God for answered prayer.

    Mark <><

  4. Jeff, I am praying for you and your family. I understand your difficulties and pray that the Lord will keep you and your family safe from all harm during these times. I have seen God pull me out of the bottom of the pit time after time in my life and I know that he will also protect you. I have found that he may not pull us from the storm but give us the strength to weather it. Keep the faith.
    Mark <><

    Spent many days in the pine barrens in my youth. Watch out for the Jersey Devil. God will protect you from the real one.

  5. Your son and your family are in our prayers. Our son returned from a tour in Iraq this past spring. I pray for his safety and your peace of mind. Thank you for raising a son who is willing to serve our country. God bless you all.

  6. As neat as that was and as amazing as that was I have to admit that it pains me to think that the anvil could be damaged. ie horn broken off upon a hard landing, etc... There are a few of us out here that would love to have an anvil. Or maybe I'm just whining because I don't have two anvils to rub together. I reckon it's his anvil he can do as he pleases. <_<

  7. He who has been stealing must steal no longer, but must work, doing something useful with his own hands, that he may have something to share with those in need.

    Hopefully these thieves will learn a trade while they have time on their hands. At least learn of and from the Master Carpenter.

    Lock your stuff up smitties.

  8. I made contact with a guy at our local rail yard. Really small yard. The guy hooked me up with an old coupler knuckle that works great as an anvil till I get a "real" one. In the case of the railroad, the old addage "Easier to ask forgiveness than permission." doesn't work. Go the permission route.
    However I have found a stray spike or two maybe kinda near some tracks or something. ;)

  9. As Jose said, there should be a local blacksmith chapter somewhere near you that can help. A lot of people like to ride horses and they live in an apartment. You need to go to where the forge is. You will probably get responses from members that live near you that can help you out.
    Hang in there buddy, help WILL arrive.

  10. Hey Tim, It works really well. There are still 90deg edges and curves available. I'm new at blacksmithing but so far it does what I want. I figured if I didn't like it the new way I would put it back the old way. I can use the pin holes in the ends to bend rods too. I thought about putting a heated rod in one of the pin holes to warm up the anvil and keep my work from cooling too fast. Good idea? Bad idea? What do you think? I'm still in the kindergarden of smithing.

  11. This is a coupler knuckle from a train that a new friend gave me to try as an anvil. I previously used an old piece of rail but that had a lot of limitations. I used it laying flat but soon after recessed out the top of the stump and turned it on its end to give me a flatter surface. Until I get an anvil it will do and I'll probably still keep it because it works so good. It weighs @80 lbs. Use what you got.

    The forge also has a blower that our farmer landlord told us was out back in the scrap area (farmers storage field). My son cleaned it up and got it working great. It's from Lancaster, PA and has a 1909 patent # on it. The best things in life are free.<><

  12. Mike, I really like the crane. I cook with dutch ovens when I camp. Everything from homemade bread to cobblers and stews. I have been looking for just what you have made. Thanks for sharing your work with us. I will add that to my long list of things to make. It will be near the top of the list. Again, thanks.

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