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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by Adam2519

  1. When any of my kitchen knives loose there edge or I want to touch up the edge before it looses it, I run it lightly over the unglazed section on the bottom of an old mug (poor mans sharpening stone). The ceramic give it a good edge in no time at all. You have to find one with a smooth finish though or it will make a mess of the knife.


  2. Yes please Moony. I still don't have a good pair of tongs.

    Also, are you still thinking of building some form of long house, or barracks for visitors?
    If so, then I would put forward making a start on it as the group project. Make all the nails, hardware for doors and windows and tools.
    Like a log long house. I noticed you had a few power poles laying on your front yard last time I was there. If you could get hold of a few more we could knock one up.
    Your choice of establishment of course. Just keen to show my appreciation for what you offer to everyone here. What do you think?


  3. Randy

    That is fantastic work mate!
    I really like the clean lines and apparent simple design look. (I know it would have taken a fair bit of designing on paper or in your head)

    My thoughts for the joining to the scroll are one but in two variations.
    1. Would be to have its two legs extended towards the scroll with its claws/feet gripping it on both edges, you heat up the feet and get them in place, by the time it cools down and shrinks on it, it will be as good as a rivet.
    2. Was for a smaller scroll joined to the top of the first one in the shape of a fish like a salmon or something with the same idea above but the bird of prey holding onto the fish.

    Keep it up Randy, that is a winner. What kind of price point you going to set on it?
    How long did it take you to make the second one?
    Do you have progress pics for the second one you made?
    Do you mind if I steal your idea. I think I may need one of those beauties sitting on my mantle. :D


  4. I second Beth.Looks very good.
    Do you have any progress shots?
    A picture of the tools you used?
    A picture of it next to something for scale? Or a sketch up of the plans showing how it will look with the rest of the rail.
    Is it the only panel your putting in?
    Sorry for all the Questions.
    I look forward to seeing it installed.


  5. Background:
    Two years ago (2010) one of the local tourist attractions in Wollongong "Australian Motorlife Museum" had a fair, titled "Days of yesteryear" one of the draw cards in the flyer going around was a demo by a blacksmith. I was roped into working that day and missed out. I did ring after the event and ask the lady who answered if it would be on the following year, as I am keen on blacksmithing and wished I could have seen it. Her reply was that the blacksmith didn't show. She took my name and phone number and said she would contact me for 2011 to do the demo if I was up for it.

    Alas the last year has been a sharp learning curve in a new position at work and little time for other interests. The fair for 2011 was also a no show and no phone call.

    I did however at the beginning of this year receive a phone call from the museum. They have two planned events and hoped I would be able to demo. I know I am not ready for this but told her I knew some folk that may be up for the challenge.

    So all you gents in Oz who want to show your talents, and have an excuse to see a few IFI members before Moonys. The dates are the 20th of May and the Sunday of the long weekend in June. The museum will feed you (the smith doing the demo, not the IFI members that come to see) and cover expenses (Not sure what this entails).

    Contact is Wendy on (02) 4228 7048, Australian Motorlife Museum, Wollongong area, NSW.

    Oh and blacksmiths that like two things, making skillets, and filling them with Goooooooooooooooolldd! need not apply.

  6. If the wife has bad asthma then charcoal is not the answer, she gets close to the forge and there's a hint of the smoke she will have an attack (like mine did)
    : (
    Time to think about a gas forge, no smoke, no asthma attack. Happy wife.
    : )
    And a big thanks to Corin who helped me put my forge together. I'm very happy with it.

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