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Posts posted by blacksmithtech

  1. Thomas - yes on the antsy part. When you are really excited about something like a free anvil you get itchy! Brought it home last night and had to wire wheel couple layers of paint to find out what it was.

    The underside is very rough - looks like others I've seen. The part that threw me off was the deep stamping, just didn't look right.

    Thank you all for the info -

  2. Keykeeper,

    I bought one of those hammer kits a couple of years ago.

    I took a hardware store handle and ground it to the shape I like and used 2 part epoxy to set the handle. No wedges.

    Made a nice little hammer and it has not come loose yet. Try it out and if it doesn't work right just hammer or drill it out and try something else.

    Take care -

  3. Kenny,

    I was in the same boat as you. I found a decent anvil and all I did was worry about it not being flat enough, chips and dips. I even had it at a grinding shop to blanchard grind the face, luckily I went and picked it up before they got to it.

    I kept blaming the anvil for my problems till a much better smith came by and did some amazing work on it proving the problem wasn't the anvil!

    I would grab that anvil, clean up the face and try it out. You certainly are not going to stop with one anvil so make some room for the rest of the collection.

    Check around your area for other smiths, you might find one who knows how and has the tools to weld up that face.

    Get to it and have fun - Mike

  4. Don,

    That looks like a nice blower - If you want to go cheap, try your local furnace seller. They usually have a couple of old units that are waiting for the scrapper.
    Talk to the man and see if you can get the exhaust blower. I have a couple and they work great for a forge blower. I let it run and use an adjustable gate to regulate the flow.

    Hope this gives you an idea - take care

  5. First thing Ron - Don't be afraid to ask questions. It's the only way to learn.

    On making fire I put 3 sheets of rolled up paper in the firepot, then I place a small handfull of smashed up 1X2 pine. I give it a whack on the anvil to bust up and it gets the arm warmed up. Place some old coke from the last fire on one side and light. Small air at first then more as it heats up. Throw on some green coal and start working on getting a cave formed.

    Here are my most used fire tools - Small sheetmetal shovel, Grate poker for clearing grate holes during use (this one is made out of square stock and rake is round. This helps to identify by feel). The rake is used the most. round rod that is flattened and slightly bowed. Good for pushing and pulling fire around and keeping everything tidy.




  6. Got a camera for Christmas so here is my demo hammer stand. Holds the swage and piece of rail. I have a mount that lets me put the cone mandrel on also. I need to add another layer of hammer rings to it next.


  7. Rusty,

    Welcome to the forum - there are a boatload of ideas here and lots of opinions.

    Now that you have the smithing' bug start reading up on the basics and the blueprints on this site are a great place to start.

    Good luck and don't be afraid to ask questions - Mery Christmas by the way!!

  8. Blacksmith58,

    You are correct.

    It is over the top and goes to show how low the country has sunk. I don't understand the personal attack on you by Apprenticeman but after looking at his posts on this forum I'm not surprised.

    It seems that the groups advancing liberal thought have the least tolerance for any other opinion unless it is theirs.

    Take care -

  9. Rick,

    I am a member of the IVBA but did not demo. You had a very good demo making the people try guessing what you were doing with that saftey pin.
    I still can't figure out how you made that coil end so the pointy end part fit in the head on the first try! Had a good time watching you work.

    Take care -

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