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Posts posted by matto

  1. thomas how do i know if the new old wheels are ok. i found them in a work bench.

    as for the edwards i am thinking along the same lines for mounting it. someone told me the saw one that was ran with a hydro cylinderand a foot plate. would beat standing behind it with that 6' handle.

  2. here is my latest anvil and standpost-12147-0-96397200-1337522994_thumb.j
    the anvil is a 10" by 10" 200lb chunk of i don't know what. it has a 3" long x 7" round base that fits into the hole i cut in the top plate of the stand.
    the stand is a piece of i don't know what, but is 7" tall by 16" round by 2.5" thick the top plate is 5/8 inch thick, the legs are 2.5" heavy wall tube just need feet on them. the stand is weighing in at 165lb alone. the anvil is set at 26" off the ground. will make a great striking anvil. i just need to find something for a 1" hardy hole. the machine shop here wants $200 to put a 1" hole down the center(round) $350 to put a 1" square hole down the center.

  3. your on the right track. if they don't move or move hard it is time to take them apart. i got tw blowers at an auction both worked well but still tok them apart and heavy cleand them. never hurts. the old grease in the lancaster can be what is making it turn hard. grease is a dust magnet. the buffalo only one way to find out. it could be mud dobbers, mice, old grease, no old grease or oil, who knows (you will soon.) you can try a can of coke to help free up rusted parts. works but not always. have fun and post pics and let us know what you find.

  4. dablcksmith thanks for the info the i think the riviter was for leather also, the original owners built the shop around 1890 give or take, the home stedders son had a big steam tractor and did custom thrashing. they worked on their own equipment and the neighbors. all i know on the grinder is what is on it. on the base the side opposite the omaha iron store co is cast omaha nebr.

    with the edwards do you mount it on the floor or can you make a stand to mount it onto?

  5. here are two blowers i picked up at an auction a month a go. the first is a tiger it is not cleaned up yet but works great. i know it is canedy otto's economy line post-12147-0-63165200-1337480362_thumb.j now the next one i don't know who the maker is and would like help finding out, post-12147-0-97788200-1337480134_thumb.jpost-12147-0-30716800-1337480262_thumb.j
    the blower is just like the tiger except where it mounts is slightly different. and the stand is more like a champion lancaster mount. my lancaster has the same style but is a four sided mounting arm not a stand. could it be a champion blower?

  6. here are the pics from my barn find in buffalo county nebraska, everything is wire brushed and all lettering marked with yellow paint so it will stand out better. here is a pic of the barn post-12147-0-11128800-1337479497_thumb.j it was a 20x30 foot shop
    omaha iron store pedistal grinder post-12147-0-78963800-1337478116_thumb.jpost-12147-0-86972600-1337478254_thumb.jthere are 5 grinding wheels also
    edwards shear # 10 b post-12147-0-94371300-1337478364_thumb.j the handle is 5 or 6 foot long post-12147-0-97099900-1337478486_thumb.j
    step rivit punch post-12147-0-79364900-1337478599_thumb.j post-12147-0-53722000-1337478717_thumb.j
    weaver jack post-12147-0-34519100-1337478935_thumb.j the t handle steers the front wheels
    last up a canedy otto new 16 post drill in my last post on this find i listed it as a new 10 went at it with a wire brush and it is a new 16
    post-12147-0-37019700-1337478826_thumb.j post-12147-0-08999400-1337479056_thumb.j all the bits in the picture where hanging behind the drill post-12147-0-32965300-1337479172_thumb.j just missing 14.
    now does anyone know anything about or know where i can look for info on the riviter, the pedistal grinder or the shear, there was also 40ft of line shaft still on the ceiling with extra maple pulleys and leather belts.

  7. thanks for the thoughts, i have a large screw house jack that i can set it on. to help move it up and down. i might try to rig a chain fall above where it will be mounted. i'm 140 lb, it is around 275 lb need all the help i can get to put it in place.

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