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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by Moosetrot

  1. Picked this up here in Wisconsin.  I buy a lot of antique tools but also buy a lot of stuff that I have no idea exactly what is is used for. The other end of this thing has been pounded a lot and has quite a bit of mushrooming.  Handle is relatively thin and about 18 inches long. The edges of the ridges are still pretty sharp and the pin in the middle is intact.





    Blacksmith Tool.jpeg

  2. That brings back a great memory, Thomas!  I used to deal heavily in tomahawks made by Daryl Meier.  The hawks required a larger handle at the poll than many of the others and were sometimes hard to come by.  Walking around at the Rendezvous at Friendship, Indiana I found a box of mostly reject handles of the correct size and bought them all for a couple bucks.  Pulled out the ones that were even passable and stashed the rest in my camp.

    That night, around the camp fire, after most folks were in various stages of being "pickled", I stepped out of the dark with an armful of handles and started throwing them in the fire.  After seeing a lot of startled "What the he** are you doing?"  looks I proudly proclaimed "When you are a successful trader you can afford to burn up a little profit!"


  3. On 6/22/2019 at 10:41 AM, Frosty said:

    Silly putty was a serendipitous outgrowth of a material intended for other uses


    Frosty-I sometimes wonder how my brain comes up with stuff but...

    Given the above Flubber scenario as described by you, I can somehow envision, on a much larger, heavier scale, creating a non-mechanical trip-hammer kind of thing using two quatities of Flubber and striking survaces.  All you need to do is hang onto the hammer and make the first strike.

    Now, back to reality....


  4. Quote


    No Frosty, You are not wrong.  Been everywhere I know of on the net and can't find what I am looking for.  I did get lucky and found some 4X36 400 and 600 grit sanding belts at what may be an incorrect price so I ordered a 10-pack of each.  Home Depot, believe it or not.

  5. I have been using a 10" spiral sewn buffer wheel on antlers for a long time, and my wheel is getting worn down.  It is cotton (or muslin) and is about 3/4 inch thick.  Thinking about getting a new buffing wheel but am having a really hard time finding one that is 3/4 " thick which is what I like. It has a 5/8" hole.  Is there any problems with getting two of them at 3/8" thick and stacking them on the buffer spindle? I figure if stacked tightly there will not be a problem.

    Even better...if someone can point me in a direction to get one that is about 3/4" it would be appreciated. I still have a little life in the old one but my health is finally at the point I just might be able to build again and am planning ahead.



  6. I don't get back that way often anymore.  Had family back there but most have passed.  Gretchen Colnik is a name from my childhood, watching t.v.! She was a host of something waaaaay back then.

    My gosh, his work is really something!  Will want so see more once we get through this COVID stuff. And when I do get back there I would be happy to look you up!

    I think I still hold the speed record on Main St. in Pewaukee driving a '69 Super Bee Six Pack.  Used to lay some serious rubber on Wisconsin Ave. in Milwaukee too!

    Regards, and hope to meet you sometime! Keep up the fine work!


  7. I make ulu from antique handsaw blades and the steel in them is great!  Make sure you use an antique one, preferable from around the turn of the century, as many of the newer ones are higher carbon along the cutting edge (teeth) but lesser grade steel throughout the rest of the blade.  I think they would work great for a skiving knife.

  8. Right now we don't know if that is the original handle or not.  Is the eye tapered with the "top" being larger than the "bottom"?  If not I am wondering if the original handle and use was making grooves in a beam using the tool almost like a drawshave, given the grooves in the head above the "V's" to allow the chips to exit the cutting surface.  It would have enough weight to make the grooves easier and dependent upon application the user could make larger or smaller "V" grooves.

    If the eye is truly tapered, I would agree with the suggestion it was used much like a hewing axe.

    Just my 0.02.


  9. Figured I would give you guys a short update...Surgeon had a cancellation and offered it to me. Yesterday I had  a very successful hip replacement and he was able to even out the length of my legs.  Came home today and will be looking forward to making a lot of sparks and antler stink!

    Moosetrot- the Beat-Up, Weary, but Very Happy

  10. Well, folks, digging up that resource on ulu is taking a little more time than I had thought.  My hip took a serious turn for the worse.  I am now in a wheelchair and can barely get around.  Hip got so bad I had to see a reconstructive Ortho specialist at Mayo in Rochester.  He says he can do it and can rebuild my hip and restore my left leg length to match up with the right with a surgery scheduled for August 7. Best news I have gotten on this in a long time.

    Once I am able I will dig out that resource and post the title, etc. on here.  It is an amazing pile of info for anyone who has an interest in ulu.  Till then old Moosetrot will just be dreaming about the day I can make sparks and smell grinding antler and bone.

    Thanks for your patience on this!


  11. I have already been touched by the Dark Side. Bill Fiorini was a buddy of mine.  He taught me to blacksmith, I taught him to duck hunt.  Really sad to see all that talent and knowledge pass.  Lost a good friend.

    My son, who was very little at the time used to hunt with us.  I got him going in blacksmithing quite a few years ago.  He is currently expanding his shop but is putting out some very good, clean work.  He gave me a set or grilling tools for Father's Day with great design and clean craftsmanship.  I was happy to tell him "Bill would be proud of you!"

    Spent all day at the trapper's meeting.  Will do some digging in the bookshelf in the next couple days.


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