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I Forge Iron


First forge we started using out here. Lump charcoal sux.

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Lump charcoal is the material that traditional Japanese swordsmiths use/used for forging katana. Don’t blame the fuel for your lack of experience or the inadequacies of your forge.



Yeah. I actually really enjoy using it, it is just such a pain in the posterior to make and burns soooo fast.



Are you using an electric blower?   Charcoal profits greatly from using a hand powered air source. If you are using an electric blower make sure it shuts off automatically whenever you remove the work piece---a foot switch requiring constant pressure to be on is a good way. (I picked up an old sewing machine foot pedal recently to use for one...)

Michael J Neel

Posted (edited)

10 hours ago, ThomasPowers said:

Are you using an electric blower?   Charcoal profits greatly from using a hand powered air source. If you are using an electric blower make sure it shuts off automatically whenever you remove the work piece---a foot switch requiring constant pressure to be on is a good way. (I picked up an old sewing machine foot pedal recently to use for one...)

Well we have a much better forge now with a hand blower and have acquired 80lbs of some quality coke. I'm actually having tons of fun telling people I bought 36+ kilos of coke from a retired cop. I was using a hairdryer for this one though. You are right, burns fast as xxxx. and xxx the sparks. 

Edited by Mod34

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