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I Forge Iron


Made for an art compitition/show summer of 2010. Made a second for our Daughter-in-Love

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That's cool, I like it!


Jim Pigott


Very nicely done.
Great use of negative space.



Awesome!! It is different, but beautiful!



Ok, you made it for a competition last summer. The piece looks very cool, well done! You didn't mention how you did. How was the piece received?

Thomas Dean


Ok, you made it for a competition last summer. The piece looks very cool, well done! You didn't mention how you did. How was the piece received?

Thanks folks for all the kind words, really encouraging. As far as how it did in the compitition/show, the drawing winner picked an oil painting. The judges said they would love to see it 15ft tall. Well recieved by the public. Made one for our Daughter-n-law for her birthday.


I really like this Thomas! It's one of those pictures that I
just look at, take a deep breath, let it out slowly, and enjoy the moment. Very well done, and very inspirational.

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