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I Forge Iron

What a Gasser!

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I put the new forge together this morning. Gonna send Diamondback a bill for my labor. I mean, it was no big deal to make all the connections and assemble the regulator and all but my Whisper Baby at least had that much assembled. I then coated the inside with ITC 100. The stuff made a BIG difference in the heating rate on my WB so I figure it would help on the new forge too. I have a hair dryer stuck inside to dry it out before I fire it. Prolly won't smak any iron until after Church tomorrow, though.
Frosty, my noodle arms are no threat to yellow iron!

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Prolly won't smak any iron until after Church tomorrow, though.

Well, that is going to one real long Sunday Sermon tomorrow!
I can see it now, fighting to keep the mind on church and it just keeps drifting to a much different place, a place where you hear the roar of the fire and the ring of the anvil.

Good luck with that!!!
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m_brothers, the regulator did not have the gage installed, had to dope and nipple the hose and the bottle connector. No, not a big deal but for $425, I kinda expected the forge to be fully assembled except for the burners. OK, I got the ITC dried out and fired the forge. Needle valve is REALLY hard to turn but got it fired. The dragons breath is incredible! Walk within a foot of the forge opening and you burn the hair off your arm. The website said "guaranteed to reach welding heat". Is that inside or outside of the forge? Yep, I am well accustomed to an rather anemic Whisper Baby but the amount of heat coming out of the forge is really incredible. I see why people recommend the idler valve. Gonna build one of those, for sure. I only ran it about 15 minutes and it got to a high orange heat. Will try for yellow later or tomorrow. Yeah, the concentration during the sermon tomorrow is gonna be a challenge. Hope he doesn't preach on Hellfire and brimstone or I'm sunk.

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Lol Quenccrack, say a prayer before the sermon. :). The heat is incredible, and I can forge at a high orange color, very low yellow at 4psi in my two burner knifemaker, and weld at 6-7psi. Should be about the same for you, best of luck. After about an hour or two of running at normal forging temp, you can weld real quickly, and use little gas.

The floor is indestructible to flux, however, I can't seem to get the flux off of the bricks now. :( & when I'm not welding it gets onto my work, so I have to grind it off when I use it next time. Make sure to use a sacrificial floor, or grind a shallow channel in the firebricks to let the flux drain out of the front or back.

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Try running at a lower psi after it comes up to temp.

Make a little hoe to scrape the MOLTEN flux off the floor.

Good luck in church tomorrow, maybe sit towards the rear where the moaning and drooling won't be as much of a disturbance.


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I had to shut everything down to go get my son a suit. Gonna wear it once for his Nissan interview but the school said he had to have a suit. OK, got him an off-white suit, blue shirt, yellow tie; looks like a pimp but he likes it. Then I ask the big question: are your seat covers clean enough to wear a white suit when you drive to school? Deer in the headlights look. I had to smack him with his new shoes when he asked for new seat covers.

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