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Hello Johan!
Welcome to Iforgeiron, it's great to see the folks from Sweden coming to visit! :D

I managed to meet a few of the members of Antracit in person not so long back and was introduced to your site by my friend Tom Sjunnesson. It's well worth the time to visit, is it still possible to translate the site to English?
I know when I looked there was a link to do so, unfortunately we aren't anywhere near as good with Swedish as you guys are with English! :oops:
It's great to have you aboard, hope you enjoy the site as much as I do.



welcome Johan compared to most ,you are a neighbour. I agree with Ian, we need translations on all these interesting sites, as Ian said we're not as good at Swedish as you are at English, but as Ian and me are from the north of England, we both have to concentrate to be as good at English as you? Cheers, geoff

  • 3 months later...

Hi and Thanks.

U are right abut the Language here Ian. That’s why I’m glad to tell u I’ve spent some time, and most of Antracit.se is available in English to, just shift language by clicking the corresponding Flag. That makes it easer for u all to follow what’s happening at the different rooms in Antracit. Coming up is a meeting in September. More about that later……Invitation coming up……..


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