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I Forge Iron

Kerosene/Gasoline Torches

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Not really sure, but from looking at them they seem to work much like old Coleman lanterns and stoves. You pressuize the fuel and use it.
I have also been told that they ARE time bombs. I know I have had my Coleman stove flare up ( not really an explosion but it was good enough for me)


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Ralph is right. They work much like a Coleman stove. We had one of these when I was a kid. Ours was designed to use gasoline, preferably white gas, but we always used regular gasoline. You would fill the tank, and pressurize it with the built in pump. Ours had a screw on the underside of the burner that you loosened to let raw gas drip into the pan under the burner. When the pan was almost full, you closed the screw and set the pan on fire. When the gas in the pan was almost completely burned you would open the burner valve. The burner assembly would be then be hot enough to vaporize the gasoline coming through the burner.


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Excellent bit of information on old gasoline torches like you mentioned a this site. lots of good little tips on repair and what to look for if you plan to buy your own.


If you do a search on gasoline torch in yahoo you'll also come across a gasoline/oxygen cutting torch system that's cheaper and safer than oxy/acetelene


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I have seen petrogen, and it is very cool. :D I am thinking that if I used a blowtorch setup with petrol, diesel (there is a torch somebody built at one time or another which uses diesel that got me thinking) or even biodiesel, (which would make me very happy) this would, like petrogen, make sure that there were no parts under pressure, so the time bomb effect would be avoided, and it being a blowtorch setup would not use oxygen tanks, but I could still get a flame for sodlering or brazing or heating up iron in very small localized places. I will try it out, I think. :D

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