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I Forge Iron

iron worker dies and punches


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it was very hard to forg the first halph of my first knife project with just a rosebud. I guess no one beside you Bentiron felt like responding to this i still dont know if i am right on this subject


Edited by Nelson44
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You are posting them in the right place Nelson ('netiquette also dictates that caps lock is not cruise control for 'cool', btw)

I for one certainly feel like responding to your question, but like many others, don't know the slightest thing about the punches you're talking about. I would say that given the literature you have at your disposal, you're probably right.

my $.02

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that and, this forum generally travels fairly slow.. partially because of the respectivly low traffic, ( love it in here) and.. because posters usually only post when they can offer some sort of aid, or advice concerning the topic at hand..

I too, have no idea what sort of steel your punches are.. pictures, and a better description of what they came from may be useful..

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Sorry, I don't have any info either.

However, if you do a web search for iron worker dies and include the name on your machine you should find a company making replacements if not the company that made the originals. They'll usually have a spec list on the site or will send you one if you ask for pricing.

This summer I found a hand punch and got more info than I wanted looking for replacement punches. Should work for yours.


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Thank yall for the info i am currently still looking but as of yet had no luck. I do know its some hard stuff. Befor i was just trying to make sure I posted my questions in the right place this is a nice sight and i dont want to mess it up by posteing stuff in the wrong place. just used the caps so some one would see it and not over look that sorry if it was the wrong way to go. anyways yall have a good one

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