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I Forge Iron

My turn...


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I guess I'll play...

Hey fellow smiths. I'm Jason, a 28 year old aspiring hobbyist smith in east TN. From an early age I wanted to learn the craft, but had no idea that there were so many out there practicing the art and willing to share. I used to lean over the fence at a period-theme park near where I grew up, watching the blacksmith there ply his craft. When I needed to stretch my legs, I'd mosy to the bladesmith's shop and watch him awhile.

Fast forward... A couple of years ago I learned of a blacksmith guild in my area. I joined up a year and a half ago and began to learn the craft. I don't get much time to work on it, as I'm badly needing to finish graduate school and get a "real job". But when I do get to forge, I find that the process of shaping steel with fire and pressure a recharging experience.

I've learned alot in my membership here. Keep those tips and stories coming. I may not post alot, but rest assured - I learn tons!

A tip of the hat to you ladies and gentlemen who share your craft here. 8)

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