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I Forge Iron

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Well I finally got around to setting up a photo album in the gallery and posted up some pictures of little projects done this past summer. Every one is always saying how much they like to see some new pictures so I figured maybe I could post a few. Maybe I have some ideas that others would like to try and they wouldn't know till they saw them. Please feel free to use any that strike your fancy.
I know I have seen quite a few that would certainly work for me that others have done. That is the best part of this whole site. The willingness to share and I am happy to contribute my little bit.:D

I just posted them as a member galley.


way to go, keep up the good work, this art we have chosen has so many paths to follow, your work reflects several, are the handles on the fireset forge welded?


The fireset handles are made of individual pieces welded together with one length longer to form the eye at the top. They are then twisted and opened for the basket effect. The main bodies of the tools were then forged and the handles welded on after in order to maintain proper over all length of the finished tools.

Thank you for your comments there divermike. Very much appreciated:)


Just re-read your post there . You asked if they were "forge" welded. Actually it is a bit of a combination weld. I tack the ends with a mig welder to hold the pieces aligned properly and THEN forge weld them. Kind of a mix between "old and new"



I see nothing wrong with that method, purists who complain about that stuff need to prove to me they started forging with a rock. I took a class recently with Jay Burnham Kidwell who advised me to do it just that way, he said if you want to try it the purist way, that's fine, but to make money, fast is best. When you make more stuff you are proud of, post it!!


Just checked out your gallery. Nice work. Lot's of ideas to try out. All welding I do is forge welding. I don't have access or experience with modern welding tools or techniques. I also do not do this for a living so I can afford to try out the old ways and not feel like I am losing time or money.

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