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I Forge Iron

Bring a Friend Blacksmith Day (Willimantic, Ct USA)

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Hello all,

For those of you in the Connecticut USA area, the following Saturday, Nov 1st is the annual Bring-a-Friend Blacksmith day at the Connecticut Eastern RR Museum, in Willimantic, Ct. Basically it is a day of B.S.ing (2 different ways, one with iron on coal and the other with just hot air) smacking metal, trading stories and tricks and getting away from the house. It will start around 10am, and end somewhere between 2pm and dusk. Come on down with your portable rigs and tools, there may be 1 or 2 forges & anvils available for use. Also bring a friend that is interested in learning to Smith and wants to meet others in the hobby.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me, [email protected] or Steve Melady 860-228-2185 [email protected].

The museum

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