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I Forge Iron

I would like to know the kind and age of the anvil. Don't worry about the damage, it has historical significant interest to me.

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Welcome aboard from 7500' in SE Wyoming.  Glad to have you.

It would help if you put your general location in your profile.  This is a world wide forum and we don't know if you are in Lapland, Tasmania, or Kansas.

The only thing I can help you with is that your anvil is likely of English manufacture because it is marked with the English weight system.  The first number is hundred weights (112 pounds), the second is quarter hundred weights (28 pounds) and the third number is pounds.  So, your anvil, when it was originally manufactured, weighed about 140 pounds.  Beyond that, I can't help much.  Maybe one of the anvil gurus will have more.

"By hammer and hand all arts do stand." 

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