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I Forge Iron

Michael McCarthy, where are you?

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  • 2 months later...

My thanks to all who did the detective work. Michael made the hammer that was stolen from me last summer and I wanted to contact him about making another one. Fortunately, I recovered all my tools, including the hammer. Michael and I met in the Pub across the street years ago. He made me a hammer in exchange for a relief carving of his smithy. below. I recommend checking out his website as he is an accomplished smith and ironmaker.



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The man who stole my stuff was attending a birthday party at his grandmothers house down the street from me. He didn't live in my neighborhood. He put all my power tools beside grandmas house where he planned to have a friend bring a truck to load it up. For some reason, he put my demo tool bag inside the house, in the laundry room under a pile of laundry. Well, the neighbor across the street saw him taking my stuff and called the cops. They busted him sitting on grandmas porch. She did not know the tools were in the house until about a week later. She brought them down to my house and returned them. Nice lady.

Edited by Quenchcrack
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