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I Forge Iron

I think I stuck it ...

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I took Solvarr's forge welding class this summer - had a great time and learned a whole lot. Tonight I tried my first solo forge weld since that class (my 2nd weld attempt in total).

I'm making a fire poker out of 5/8" mild steel rod.

I folded over a section of it for the head and hook and remembered everything I learned from that class.
And I think I stuck it. :D

I attached some pictures - before and after the wire wheel.
How does it look?

That's a 7" weld (I ended up doing it in several heats, starting at the tip and working back), it took me 45 minutes. I'm so stoked right now but I feel like I could sleep for 2 days.

I only had 2 hours in my shop tonight - I'll finish the rest another day. Now I only hope I don't find it cracked tomorrow. :o

Thanks Solvarr :)


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Looks good, and this is just an observation/
Anytime that I have forge welded something, and the seam shows, the weld did not take fully.
That is what I see in your pics. Seam. Down both sides.
First thing I would do is try and pull it apart.

One more thing.
When doing fire pokers, forge out a point, THEN fold it over and weld.
It will easier than trying to point it after you have folded and welded.

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No pritchel hole in that anvil?

The weld looks great.

Thanks for the encouragement guys.
Came in this morning - no cracks :D

I think the seam is because it was a round bar being welded and I didn't pound the weld completely flat and then square it up.
But I am going to test the weld and see if it comes apart.

Philip - the bar is covering the pritchel hole ;)

Still stoked :D

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Well I tested the weld - and it failed (peeled apart) :(

So the celebration was premature - it looked good and I got too excited.
But this only means that I now go to attempt number 3 (as soon as I can squeeze it in).
I'll post my results.

Thanks for the heads-up. :)

(...slightly deflated today...)

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