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I Forge Iron

Natural Gas vs Propane Cylinder

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Can the household supply of "natural gas" (used for stoves, water-heaters, gas-clothes-dryers, fireplaces) be tapped and used to fire a gas forge?

Are there any problems, issues or concerns? Is it effective and cheaper than buying/refilling Propane cylinders?

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You'd need a service upgrade of your gas lines to provide enough volume and pressure to run a forge off of your house service. Standard house service is a low pressure service that wont fire a forge. Unless your gas company provides the upgrade service free or very cheap, you're probably better off buying propane.

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When I rented a studio that had natural gas the serving company wanted a fair amount of money to upgrade the old meter and regulator to two regulators and a new meter. Then the local code authority would be involved to see that the new gas piping I ran was up to code for the higher pressure and that the new appliance was up to code and since it was home made it was not allowed. So I stuck to the bottle of propane. I would also have had to show that the old gas piping was up to the current codes. It was a lot of money for a rented facility. Some things are best left well enough alone. I did tap the existing low pressure gas for a lost wax burn out oven and for that it worked fine.:cool:

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