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I Forge Iron

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on the way home from the Alameda Flea Market, really so convenient that I couldn't NOT stop by, I followed up on a craigslist post about an estate sale that just barely mentioned blacksmithing tools. The guy there was cleaning out his grandfathers shop, filled with boxes since the last 1940*s. He shows me the back of the garage smithy, big rivet forge with blower, another Buffalo Forge #300 blower on a pipe stand, post drill, anvil, grinders, tongs, big pipe vise inside and out, piles of hammers, drifts, and other steel tools, including a plane or two. Time and finances allowed me to grab only the BF blower and a nice pair of tongs. but I told him I'd let other smiths know about what he has there, he SAID he didn't want to sell his grandfathers's anvil, but when I said I paid $300 for my 104 lb PW, his expression changed.
andy, 925/323-2134

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