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I Forge Iron

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Hello all - Have just signed up and wanted to thank you for the information available; I'm in Engand, have mostly been a hobby woodworker / woodturner and am becoming increasingly interested in making my own tools. Amazed to see how easy (!) it is to make a small forge, and am reassured to see I don't need to have a 'traditional' anvil, at least to get started. I'll no doubt be trawling the knowledge base when I get to make some edge cutting tools!


Welcome to I forgeiron from another newbie.

I wonder just how many get into this hobby by trying to make their own tools for another hobby. That is what has kept me going for years, just making tools.


Found my way to smithing to make tools and hardware for my medieval woodworking.First turning tools, Then general carpenter's tools. Now I do more forgework than woodwork.


That is what is happening to me. The forging is starting to take over from the original hobby. I suppose that is healthy that we move around through a set of hobbies as we travel through life.

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