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hand crank blowers


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Hi.  I'm new to this forum and fairly new to forging.  I hope I'm in the right place for my question.  

I want to use a hand crank blower and I get the sense that the Champion 400 is perhaps the best  choice.  I don't think they are manufactured anymore but old ones do show up on sites like eBay.  Would acquiring one receive a thumbs-up from experienced smiths or if not, suggestions for alternatives would be appreciated.




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All the  Champs I have had have been fine. I currently have a Canedy-Otto that I really like. I've heard good things about Buffalo blowers. My electric blower is a re purposed bath vent fan. You might stand a better chance finding one at a local ABANA affiliate if you're here in the US. The online vendors usually treat them as if they were made of gold. They are out there, though.


Edit to add- I expect the mods will shortly be moving this thread to the 'bellows, blower' section.

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Welcome aboard... I always suggest this thread to get the best out of the forum and how to keep the moderators happy.:) READ THIS FIRST

I have three Champion blowers 2 Lancaster's and 1 #140 which I like over other methods (as in electric) because they are more economical when it comes to fuel consumption and I'm less likely to burn up the steel.

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The negative of the Champion 400 is the bronze worm gear in the train (not the worm itself, the gear which drives the worm).  If it's been used aggressively, that gear can be on its last legs--the teeth basically nothing but little knife edges left from all the wear.  You aren't likely to find a replacement for that gear...and if you did, it'd cost more than another blower.

So..it's best to only buy one where you can pull the cover plate and take a look.  At the very least,  check backlash in person assuming you can't get that look (the access screws are often well stuck).  I'd really hesitate buying one sight unseen. The extent of wear on that gear affects value and without seeing that wear you are likely to over-pay.

When using, you need to NEVER let the kids (or adults with kid-like tendencies which we all seem to have at times) crank like it's a toy..and use it like the innards are made of glass (no shock loading).  It's not terribly fragile but fragile enough to not like abuse.

But, they are nice blowers when in good shape.  Technicus Joe did a really good youtube video on rebuilding those that's worth a look.

I fond mine cheap...but one of the access screws is stuck like the dickens and I haven't had the time to take a torch to it so it can be removed.  Penetrating oil has not worked in the slightest and I don't want to risk shearing it off at this point.

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Thanks a lot guys for the helpful and informed information.  I do have my eye on a particular one for sale.  What I have learned from your input is it's always worth keeping in mind that most of these units are very old and natural gear wear needs to be considered, especially the bronze worm gear.  When I go to check it out I'll be sure to inspect them carefully.


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