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I Forge Iron

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I forged this kitchen knife out of 5 layers of metal forge-welded together, using the “go mai” technique (my first attempt at it). The outer cladding is 15n20 steel (from an old sawmill bandsaw blade), the shiny line is nickel shim stock (scrap from my workplace), and the core that makes the cutting edge is 1080 steel. The blade is fully hardened and tempered to a hardness of about HRC 60. It has a full flat grind with a 25 deg cutting edge, and is acid etched to show the contrast of the nickel layer. My logo is electrolysis etched on the side, though it is subtle with the black finish.

The handle is made from cocobolo and has a piece of aluminum for the bolster. It has a hidden tang construction, pinned with brass rod. I’ve been refining this handle shape over a few previous knives and settled on this profile as my favorite. I finished the wood with several coats of amber dewaxed shellac, then a few lights coats of renaissance wax.

This was a gift for my coworker's retirement, gave it to him yesterday and he seemed quite happy. I was a bit nervous as they passed it around the room, as people don't realize just how sharp a knife can be.







Here are some progress pics of the build:







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