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I Forge Iron

Fire Poker

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Well, I just got finished working on this fireplace poker:cool:. I made it to sell it to make a little money to make up for the $11.50 I spend for 2 bags of lump charcoal at the store each time I go!:D

It is made of 3/8 inch stock, and is about 3 feet long (it would be exactly 3 feet, but I curved it a little). It also has 2 decorative twists (the one at the top is a lot smaller than the one at the bottom).

I think it turned out pretty good.

-Don't mind my forge in the background. It might not look very pretty, but it works!:rolleyes:




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looks dont awlys matter you know but the quality is also important.
if i was to buy a 50 dollar firepoker that was super nice and have it break wile pilling a log it wouldent be as good as a 100 dollar one that may not be as pretty but works for years and years to come...

well anyways it looks good.
i like the twist!

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