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I Forge Iron

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The two snakes and the obvious knife are all RR Spikes.

The long letter opener (almost 13 inches) is an old nail "spike" I found
here... Our little farm home was built in the late 1800's so square nails and such are always boiling up.

The letter opener on the bottom is mild steel rod. My wife likes the hammer marks left on the blade sometimes...



Cool! I like it all. It doesn't look like each snake took a whole RR spike. Did they both come out of one spike? The trim and slim letter opener made out of a building spike that was over a hundred years old takes the cake. Your old farm house sounds pretty special. Thanks for sharing.


Thanks for the compliments!

Phil: each snake took a RR-spike. I blatantly stole the idea from Ron Weil (sp?)
who is a very accomplished smith. His snakes are so alive looking!

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