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I Forge Iron

I am hooked


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Hi there. Just wanted to say Hello and to share a pic of my first bottle opener.   It is made from some steal scavenged from an old feed auger system. Any comments, tips or critique is welcome.

BTW. Thank you to everyone who posts tips and advice in here. I have learned so much over the last few weeks reading everything I could find.



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AH! Good to see some one who has put their general location in the header! :rolleyes:

Very nice and clean. I like that style. The ONE THING is beer tends to fly when they are used. If (on the next one) you were to twist just a bit less and bend the head down like this :

It tends to be a bit cleaner. But if that's what you like, then that's what you like.

The only thing I can say for advise is pull up a good chair, pack a lunch and drink and READ IFI cover to cover, start with the subjects you are interested in and go from there. Listen to Steve sells, Frosty, and all the other ones with 'I'm grumpy' on their profile (they're right, trust me).

Have you joined a blacksmithing organization? You will learn so much more at an experienced blacksmith's shop than weeks by yourself. 

The only thing left to say is don't give up and keep practicing

May the anvil ring true and metal move in your favor.


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I like the bend at the end EJ. Think I will try it. I think I will try the tighter twist too. Looks cool.

I have not joined an association yet. I have been reading everything I can on IFI. Learning lots.



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I really like the look of the flat bar twisted, reminds me of an icicle Christmas ornament that we have.


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Glad you like it. I am going to practice these for a while. I have an almost unlimited supply of the steel. It is from a feed auger. We install them at work and I can take all the cut offs.  

I am going to try some hooks and maybe a rack to hang on the wall for tools.

All I really know is this is fun. Gotta build a solid fuel forge next.


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