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I Forge Iron

Need info on anvil

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20160506_090215-1.thumb.jpg.546ef22db96dHello, new to blacksmith type work although i have a home machine and welding shop, i collect old engines, and have a Diamond T pickup i want to get on the road if I live long enough. I was given an old anvil. It has no pricheal hole and looks like colonial style anvils i see on this site and others. It is stamped BRADLEY with what appears to be FOSTER above that although i am only able to make out the O, maybe an E and the R.. Has an anchor mark below the Bradley. Has 1  0  20 stamped on the other side. 132 pounds  i guess. Curious as to age and any history on Bradley. Were they connected to Foster. Thanks



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There were quite literally hundreds of anvil manufacturers in England. They also made anvils for other concerns. As someone said on your previous post it is a pre-1830 anvil.

 You maybe able to glean more of the stamping on the side of the anvil by wire brushing the rust off with an angle grinder and then rub some chalk on it. also try looking at the anvil from different angles to see if the shadows help.

It a cool old anvil tho and one that deserves to be used.

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