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I Forge Iron

Wedgeway Arm & Hammer

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Here is a different Arm & Hammer anvil. I picked this up trading with another picker friend of mine. Traded some antique traps and a few signs for this, a nice Fisher and some odds n' ends. When I cleaned off the grime and paint the stamping showed quite clearly. It was deeply stamped and professionally done I would say by the manufacturer there is no sign of the normal A&H stamp. Wedgeway was the signature trade mark of the Morley-Murphy hardware supply company of Green Bay, Wi. I have found a number of their axes with the Wedgeway stamp but never an anvil. The serial # puts it 1918 or so, 155 lbs pretty decent shape. I suspect they had a few stamped one year. There may be a few more around. Morley-Murphy shifted away from hardware eventually and are still in business. As with most A&H anvils it has 95% rebound, loud ring.


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Hi Black Frog, the serial is 38863, the first 3 was miss stamped so they reoriented the stamp to the correct position and restamped. 

Littleblacksmith, ha ha, must make 'em faster, the only good thing about paint it keeps the rust at bay. This sat in the original owner's shop it's whole life. Before I took the grime and paint off the rebound was 50%. When cleaned 95%.

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