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I Forge Iron

Howdy from northern ca


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Howdy, my name is Mark
I live near San Andreas ca
I am a machinist by trade but many times I need special tooling, brackets, guards etc and I make a lot of memorial items as well as donations for fundraisers
I got my start when my folks moved me out in the woods from Los Angeles, pops Had an Indian motorcycle shop and our TV didn't work up here.
I can recall using a piece of round bar for an anvil and still do many times
I don't have a forge, I would like to build one soon but normally I work in soft metals and use a map gas tourch
I have been encouraged by members of the CBA Eden Sanders and Morgan Keton and many other folks along the way
What event changed your attitude about blacksmithing - my attitude changes with every challenge
I cannot name a single tool that changed much but 8000 sq feet of them gives one a lot of choices from CNC mills and lathes down to the tiniest hammer
The advice would you give those starting out in blacksmithing would be that if it feels good do it and ask lots of questions as you may learn something by accident
The advice would you give those already involved in blacksmithing, don't forget to share, even when they have that "deer in the headlights look about them"
Some of the interesting things that have happened to me in my life as a blacksmith - the biggest thing for me is all the good people you meet and the ability to be more independent in my life.

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