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I Forge Iron

How to install a K type thermocoupler/thermometer?


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Hey all,

Probably a dumb question and I call myself searching for the answer. Anyway, I'm pretty much done with a new gas forge build and I thought I would add a thermometer just for grins, kind of an after thought. But I'm not sure of the best way to install it. I've used it a few times and the rigidzer is cured with an added layer of kiln wash, I may add another thin coat. Should I just drill a hole toward the base and insert the thermocoupler or put it in through one end or what? Does positioning make a difference?

Point me to the thread with all the answers, cuz I couldn't find it,  thanks for any help.

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Some forges have a small hotspot. Others maintain a pretty even temperature throughout their interior. If your forge is of the latter type, location makes relatively little difference and you can put the thermocouple almost anywhere in the chamber and get useful readings.

If your forge only has a small hotspot, you are better off keeping it clear for the workpiece. Location makes a big difference and putting the thermocouple anywhere else will not tell you the hotspot temperature. In this case, you are probably better off without a permanent thermocouple.

Run your forge first. Look for color changes throughout the forge, perhaps using a thin rod to give an idea of how the color/temperature varies at different locations (it may be worth using a hand-held thermocouple to take actual measurements). You can then decide whether or not there is somewhere suitable to permanently install a thermocouple in your forge.

I tend to find the most satisfactory solution is to use a handheld thermocouple to adjust the forge to where it needs to be, then take it out and get on with the job. I only do that due to inexperience and colorblindness. Most normal folk set the burner so it looks about right and just get on with it. 

The only time I leave the thermocouple in the forge is when heat-treating and that is done in a dedicated forge built specifically to provide a very even temperature.



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